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Monday 1/30/17 Journal: Which of these three quotes best represents Macbeth’s insanity. Copy down the quote and explain your reasoning. To ghost: “Thou.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 1/30/17 Journal: Which of these three quotes best represents Macbeth’s insanity. Copy down the quote and explain your reasoning. To ghost: “Thou."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 1/30/17 Journal: Which of these three quotes best represents Macbeth’s insanity. Copy down the quote and explain your reasoning. To ghost: “Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me!” With Lady Macbeth: “Blood will have blood.” With Lady Macbeth: “For mine own good—all causes shall give way!”

2 Announcements: Vocab quiz tomorrow/turn in worksheets then
Graphic novel quick intro Graphic novel independent read with TDQ/ACE! ACT IV!


4 Same format as comic books
Text & illustrations present information Medium, not genre Book-length, usually contain one story

5 Pages consist of a variety of elements
A Graphic Novel Page Pages consist of a variety of elements Panels-squares or rectangles that contain a single scene Gutters-space between panels Dialog Balloons-contain communication between/among characters Thought Balloons-contain a character’s thoughts Captions-contain information about a scene or character Sound Effects-visual sound clues i.e.. Wonk! Pow!

6 Caption Panel Gutter Thought Balloon Sound Effect Dialog Balloon

7 How to Read a Graphic Novel Page
Graphic novels are read left to right, just like traditional texts

8 Dialog Balloons dialog balloons are read left to right or top to bottom as is appropriate. 1 4 2 3 5

9 Sometimes it can get a little more complicated…

10 But the basic left to right rule still applies to panels
2 1 3 But the basic left to right rule still applies to panels 4

11 and dialog balloons as well
2 and dialog balloons as well 1 3 4 5 6 7

12 Graphic novel ACE/TDQ Questions:
1. What is the symbolic significance of the blacked out/darker frames in the graphic novel depiction? Why do you think the illustrator was instructed to display what was happening that way? 2. The witches explain 3 more prophecies about Macbeth—what are they and what do they mean?


14 Vocab List 13

15 Stealth

16 Cautious action or movement (“the stealth of a burglar”)
Part of Speech: Noun Cautious action or movement (“the stealth of a burglar”) Part of Speech: Adjective Technological design that makes radar or sonar difficult. (“a stealth bomber”)

17 Summons

18 Summons Part of speech: Noun An order to appear before a judge
Part of speech: Verb To serve someone with a summons

19 Equivocate

20 Using unclear language to deceive someone.
Equivocate Part of speech: Verb Using unclear language to deceive someone.

21 Palpable

22 Palpable Part of speech: Adjective
A feeling so intense, it’s almost real or able to be touched or felt.

23 Grave

24 Grave Part of speech: noun A place of burial Part of speech: Adjective
Serious or somber in manner or giving cause for alarm.

25 Purge

26 Purge Part of speech: verb
To rid someone of an unwanted feeling, memory, or condition. Part of speech: noun A violent removal of a group of people.

27 Dauntless

28 Dauntless Part of speech: Adjective
Showing fearlessness and determination.

29 Cloister

30 Cloister Part of speech: Verb
To seclude or shut up in as if in a covenant or monastery.

31 Sleight

32 The use of dexterity or cunning, especially to deceive.
Sleight Part of speech: Noun The use of dexterity or cunning, especially to deceive.

33 Vice

34 Vice Part of speech: noun Immoral or wicked behavior

35 Work on Vocab sentences

36 Journal: 2/1 sneak peek tonight!
Do you think it is possible for Macbeth to redeem himself at this point in the play? Get creative! What could happen that could change the audiences’ opinion of him?

37 Group up! 3 minimum 4 maximum

38 Wanted poster Pick the character that you feel needs the most blame in the play so far. Draw their picture and tell the audience what they are wanted for! You need at least 5 reasons with text citing.

39 Thursday 2/2 jOURNAL After hearing about the three new prophecies– speculate and guess what you think will happen next in the play. How do you think it will end? Use details from the play to explain your answer.

40 Socratic Seminar: Honors
Create 5 questions to ask your classmates. They can be about anything that has happened in the play so far, our themes we discussed (ambition vs. Loyalty, Versions of reality), or predictions for the future of the play. Get creative! Be sure to ask questions that cannot be answered with just “yes” or “no”.

41 Socratic Seminar: regular
Create 4 questions to ask your classmates. They can be about anything that has happened in the play so far, our themes we discussed (ambition vs. Loyalty, Versions of reality), or predictions for the future of the play. Get creative! Be sure to ask questions that cannot be answered with just “yes” or “no”.

42 Friday Journal 2/3 “Fair is fowl and fowl is fair…” What do you think this quote means. Why do you think it means what you state? And how did you come to that conclusion?

43 Socratic seminar Rules review:
Only those holding the hulk can speak. Do not tell anyone what to say or think. Do not talk over each other. You will not be changing anyone’s mind today. Do not make rude comments or laugh at each others opinions. Be respectful/follow all classroom expectations. Use I statements Do not judge someone– if you disagree state that you do.

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