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Constitutional Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Constitutional Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitutional Changes
Constitutional Meaning? Debate and Compromise Constitutional Principles New Gov’t 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Name the one way in which the Constitution changes?
Row Question

3 - Row Answer

4 -Name the other way in which the Constitution changes?
Row Question

5 - Row Answer

6 -How much of Congress is required to propose a change?
Row Question

7 -2/3 Row Answer

8 -How many of the states must approve such a change?
Row Question

9 -3/4 Row Answer

10 -Which statement in Article I of the Constitution allows Congress to stretch its enumerated powers to do almost anything in the best interests of the citizens? Row Question

11 -Necessary and Proper Row Answer

12 -What is the alternative term for this clause that stretches the government’s power?
Row Question

13 -Elastic Clause Row Answer

14 -These powers that are not specifically written in the Constitution but are interpreted to exist?
Row Question

15 -Implied Powers Row Answer

16 -This is the idea that the Constitution should be defined by the exact wording used.
Row Question

17 -Strict Interpretation
Row Answer

18 -Which term describes the idea that the Constitution should be defined by using a broader definition of the words used. Row Question

19 -Loose Interpretation
Row Answer

20 -Who has the final say on the meaning of the Constitution?
Row Question

21 -Supreme Court Row Answer

22 -Where was the Constitutional Convention?
Row Question

23 -Philadelphia Row Answer

24 -Name the government proposed by James Madison at the Convention and it called for a three branch government with a legislature based on population. Row Question

25 -Virginia Plan Row Answer

26 -This is the plan presented by William Patterson that called for a legislature based on state equality and a group executive power. Row Question

27 -New Jersey Plan Row Answer

28 -Name the agreement made at the Convention of 1787 that created a two house legislature with one house based on population and the other based on state equality. Row Question

29 -Great Compromise or Connecticut Compromise
Row Answer

30 -Name the compromise that said slaves would count as 3/5 a person for the census to determine the population of each state. Row Question

31 -3/5 Compromise Row Answer

32 -The Slave Trade Compromise said that this type of trade would never be taxed?
Row Question

33 -exports Row Answer

34 -Name the political group who supported the passage of the new Constitution and its stronger government. Row Question

35 -Federalists Row Answer

36 -What political group opposed the new Constitution and thought it lacked a specific list of people’s rights. Row Question

37 -Anti-Federalists Row Answer

38 -These were newspaper articles written in support of the new Constitution?
Row Question

39 -Federalist Papers Row Answer

40 -This was the set of Amendments that were proposed at the request of Anti-Federalists to guarantee certain basic rights to the people. Row Question

41 -Bill of Rights Row Answer

42 -This is the concept that the government is not allowed to do certain things, and many of these restrictions are listed in the Constitution or the Amendments? Row Question

43 -limited government Row Answer

44 Name the concept that all three branches of government are designed so that they have the ability to stop other branches from becoming abusive? Row Question

45 -checks and balances Row Answer

46 -What idea says that the powers of government should be divided so that government will be less likely to abuse the rights of its citizens? Row Question

47 -separation of powers Row Answer

48 -This term means that people have the right to rule themselves through the democratic process of voting? Row Question

49 -popular sovereignty Row Answer

50 -What term describes the system of having multiple governments on the national, state, and local levels? Row Question

51 -federalism Row Answer

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