Careers in Cognitive Psychology

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Cognitive Psychology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Cognitive Psychology
Michael Kaschak

2 Cognitive Science How does the mind work?
How is this instantiated in the brain? Attention, perception, learning, memory, language, problem solving, decision making… Cognitive science relates to… Psychology, education, computer science, etc.

3 Careers in Cognition: Training
Undergraduate training  Skill based employment Research methods and statistics (the more, the better) Cognitive psych, plus any 4000-levels in area DIS in one or more labs Computer programming AVOID CRIMINAL RECORD!!!!!! Graduate training Master’s or PhD in Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Science, Experimental Psychology, Human Factors [Note…Human factors does not necessarily mean I/O psychology]

4 Career Paths With undergraduate degree… With graduate degree…
Human factors: product design, evaluation, and testing Industries: Aerospace, automobile, military, technology (IBM, Microsoft, etc.), human-computer interaction With graduate degree… Same as above, with better pay ;-) Academic careers: Cognitive psych; Cog Science; Business schools; Law schools

5 What is Human Factors? The Third Brake Light HUD (Head-Up Display)
Reach Toothbrush

6 Human-Computer Interaction
Interface between humans and computers Human factors issues, but also other things… Communication  how do we communicate with more intelligent machines? Interfacing mind and machine  biofeedback and the possibility of neural control of external systems

7 Career Paths Varied options, flexible, challenging careers
Multiple projects; self-motivation needed Opportunities to affect people’s lives Competitive pay scale Undergrads starting around 50K, grads somewhat higher Management starting around 150K

8 Career Paths in Cognition

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