Introduction to PTI Elise Gerich | ICANN 57 | November 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to PTI Elise Gerich | ICANN 57 | November 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to PTI Elise Gerich | ICANN 57 | November 2016

2 IANA Stewardship Transition High-level Overview

3 The U.S. Government’s Announcement
14 March 2014: U.S. Government announces intent to transition its stewardship of the IANA functions to the global multistakeholder community The U.S. Government’s announcement: Marked the final phase of the privatization of the DNS Further supports and enhances the multistakeholder model of Internet policy making and governance ICANN was asked to serve as a facilitator, based on its role as the IANA functions administrator and global coordinator for the Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS) Why now? 30 September 2016: After more than 2 years of work by the ICANN multistakeholder community, the IANA stewardship transition was completed.

4 Parallel processes The community developed two parallel processes:
IANA Stewardship Transition Focused on delivering a proposal to transition the stewardship of the IANA functions to the multistakeholder community Enhancing ICANN Accountability Focused on ensuring that ICANN remains accountable in the absence of its historical contractual relationship with the U.S. Government

5 The IANA Stewardship Transition: ICG
The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) was formed in July to assemble and deliver a proposal to NTIA through the ICANN Board The ICG was made up of 30 individuals representing 13 communities of both direct and indirect stakeholders of the IANA functions The ICG’s responsibilities included: Acting as a liaison to all interested parties, including the three operational communities of the IANA functions Assessing the outputs of the three operational communities for compatibility and interoperability Assembling a complete proposal for the transition Information sharing and public communication

6 Request for Transition Proposal Structure
Names Proposal Numbers Proposal Protocol Parameters Proposal Meetings Mailing list discussion Public comments Meetings Mailing list discussion Public comments Meetings Mailing list discussion Public comments This slide can be used for text, graphics or any other elements. ICG (Combined) Proposal

7 Combined Proposal Overview
NAMES FUNCTIONS NUMBERS FUNCTIONS PARAMETERS FUNCTIONS Operational interactions between the communities and the IANA functions operator are not pictured.

8 PTI Overview

9 What is PTI? Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) is an affiliate of ICANN that is responsible for performing the IANA functions and delivering the IANA Services, on behalf of ICANN. PTI PTI Staff IANA Functions Contract ICANN IANA Department IANA Functions PTI implements agreed policies and principles developed by the ICANN multistakeholder community. Background information

10 PTI Overview Legal Organization Operations Board Officers Staff
Nonprofit public benefit corporation ICANN is sole Member Domiciled in California 501(c)(3) tax status Annual budget developed in consultation with the community 4-year strategic plan updated annually Annual independent financial audit of PTI financials Perform name, protocol parameters, and number services via contract and subcontract with ICANN All resources required to perform services will be provided by ICANN Board Officers Staff 5 directors appointed by ICANN 3 from ICANN/PTI staff 2 elected by ICANN NomCom process President – Elise Gerich Treasurer – Becky Nash Secretary – Samantha Eisner No change in personnel performing the IANA functions Existing IANA department staff seconded from ICANN to PTI

11 What Stays the Same? The definition of the IANA functions
Domain Names, Numbering Resources, and Protocol Parameters The registries related to names, numbers and protocol parameters Individuals performing the work IANA Department staff are seconded to PTI Location of the operational information The operational reports of the IANA services will remain on Methods for submitting changes or updates to the registries

12 ICANN Ecosystem with PTI
Domain Names Numbering Resources Protocol Parameters Oversight CSC Review Committee IPROC Policy ICANN ASO IETF Operations PTI ICANN (subcontracted to PTI) Background information

13 Relationship between IETF and PTI
As required by the ICG proposal, ICANN will subcontract the performance of the protocol parameters services to PTI. PTI (Affiliate of ICANN) CSC The 2000 Memorandum of Understanding between ICANN and IETF remains in place for the performance of the protocol parameters services. Every year, ICANN and IETF negotiate a Supplemental Agreement. The 2016 version was signed at ICANN56. EC PTI Board IETF Trust ICANN All Other Departments IETF ICANN Board RiRs IANA Department Oversight Contract Bylaws Verisign RZERC ICANN will continue to be accountable for the performance of the protocol parameters services to the IETF. Existing structure New structure NomCom ACs SOs Ombudsman

14 Relationship between RIRs and PTI
As required by the ICG proposal, ICANN will subcontract the performance of the IANA number services to PTI. PTI (Affiliate of ICANN) CSC ICANN entered into a Service Level Agreement with the RIRs for the performance of the IANA number services. EC PTI Board IETF Trust ICANN All Other Departments IETF ICANN Board RiRs IANA Department Oversight Contract Bylaws Verisign RZERC ICANN will be accountable for the performance of the IANA number services to the RIRs. Existing structure New structure NomCom ACs SOs Ombudsman

15 Relationship between TLD community and PTI
ICANN will contract with PTI for the performance of the IANA naming services. PTI (Affiliate of ICANN) CSC EC PTI Board IETF Trust ICANN All Other Departments IETF ICANN Board RiRs IANA Department Oversight Contract Bylaws The Customer Standing Committee (CSC) will provide oversight of the performance of the IANA naming services. Verisign RZERC Existing structure New structure NomCom ACs SOs Ombudsman

16 Relationship between Verisign and PTI
The Root Zone Maintainer Agreement (RZMA) will be subcontracted to PTI. PTI (Affiliate of ICANN) CSC EC PTI Board ICANN will contract with Verisign to perform the root zone maintainer function (RZMA). IETF Trust ICANN All Other Departments IETF ICANN Board RiRs IANA Department Oversight Contract Bylaws Verisign RZERC Existing structure New structure NomCom ACs SOs Ombudsman

17 Relationship between ICANN and PTI
There will be a Services subcontracting agreement between ICANN and PTI that will specify the services (HR, IT, etc.) ICANN will provide to PTI in order for it to perform the IANA functions. PTI (Affiliate of ICANN) CSC EC PTI Board IETF Trust ICANN All Other Departments IETF ICANN Board RiRs IANA Department Oversight Contract Bylaws Verisign RZERC Existing structure New structure NomCom ACs SOs Ombudsman

18 IANA Intellectual Property Rights
ICANN will sub-license the use of the IANA IPR to PTI for use in the performance of the IANA functions. PTI (Affiliate of ICANN) CSC The IETF Trust will hold the IANA IPR and will license the use of the IPR to ICANN. EC PTI Board IETF Trust ICANN All Other Departments IETF ICANN Board RiRs IANA Department Oversight Contract Bylaws Verisign RZERC Existing structure New structure NomCom ACs SOs Ombudsman

19 Planning Process and Calendar

20 High Level FY18 Planning Calendar

21 PTI FY18 Operating Plan Strategy
FY18 PTI Operating Plan is informed by and aligns with the strategic objectives developed by community-driven, bottom-up process PTI’s strategic goals are part of ICANN’s strategic goals PTI’s multi-year plans are part of ICANN’s Five-Year Operating Plan The adopted version of PTI’s Operating Plan will become a component of ICANN’s FY18 Operating Plan and Budget

22 PTI FY18 Budget Timeline Status:
30 January 2016 2017 20 January 1 – 31 December 21 October – 30 November Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Post PTI Draft FY18 Budget for Public Comment Respond to public comment Final Budget submitted to PTI Board PTI Board approval ICANN Board approval To adjust the length of each colored bar, click the bar, ensuring the bar is highlighted, grab a corner and length or shorten, depending on your preference. To revise the type of timeline, revise the Month text boxes, all are editable. To adjust the size of the black timeline lines, use the same procedure used to revise the colored bars. The circles and text boxes beside the circles are also editable by clicking on the circle and/or text box. Status: Currently on-schedule for PTI Board adoption of FY18 Budget at end of January 2017.

23 Thank you !

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