International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere

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1 International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere
John Burkhart1, Georg Hansen1, Kjetil Tørseth1, Taneil Uttal2, James Drummond3 1 Norwegian Institute for Air Research 2 NOAA - ESRL 3 University of Toronto

2 Implementation of IASOA
legacy of continuous measurements combined with episodic, focused, campaigns promote and integrate the activities of intensive, and permanent, observatories. … Establish multi-disciplinary "super-sites" to determine the processes and drivers Arctic change Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

3 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
IASOA Network Today Status: Stations for IASOA identified Advanced measurements exist Station contacts assembling metadata for compilation Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

4 What is needed for IASOA?
How do clouds, aerosols and atmospheric chemistry interact to force the Pan-Arctic surface energy balances and albedo-temperature feedback? What is the relative role of tropospheric dynamics and stratospheric linkages in controlling the Arctic surface variability? What portion of the recent changes in the Arctic weather and climate can be attributed to increases in anthropogenic sources? How does the Arctic atmosphere interact with the rest of the Arctic (marine, cryospheric and terrestrial) system? Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

5 What do we need for IASOA?
To answer these questions (and others), all of the available observational resources represented by surface and upper air network observations, intensive observatories, satellite observations, manned and unmanned airborne measurements, and focused field campaigns must be utilized. Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

6 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Tiksi, Russia Barrow, Alaska Ny-Alesund, Svalbard Eureka, Canada Summit, Greenland Alert, Canada IASOA Target Observatories Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

7 Barrow, Alaska Existing Facilities
U.S. National Weather Surface (since 1920) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Baseline Observatory – Radiation, Aerosols, Gases (since 1972) Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement site – Clouds and Radiation (since 1998) Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

8 Alert and Eureka Canada
Global Atmosphere Watch Station – Chemistry (since 1983) Meteorological Services Canada Weather Station (since 1947) CANDAC Polar Environmental Atmospheric Research Laboratory (built in 1993 for stratosphere studies) Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

9 Alert Canada – Global Atmosphere Watch Station and BSRN site
Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

10 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Radiometer Eureka, Canada P-AERI Cloud Radar HSRL (Lidar) Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

11 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Summit, Greenland Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

12 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Ny-Alesund Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

13 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Tiksi, Russia National Science Foundation will contribute to Wx station upgrades in 2006 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

14 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
NSF rebuilt Tiksi Weather Station in 2006 Plans for construction of research facility in 2007 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

15 Rational for Intensive Atmospheric Observatories
To understand the Arctic atmosphere it is necessary to have detailed measurements of clouds, aerosols, radiation and surface fluxes. Clouds in the Arctic have been shown in a number of studies to have a major influence on surface radiation budgets and resulting surface temperatures, ice ablation/melt rates, and the onset of the annual snow melt season. Aerosols contribute to balances in the Arctic atmosphere by direct forcing and also by indirect cloud-aerosol effects. The emphasis is on taking measurements that contribute to understanding WHY climate is changing and not just HOW climate is changing. There is a special emphasis on untangling natural and anthropogenic influences, through process studies, satellite validation and model support. Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

16 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
In the Arctic the sign may be different for cloud forcing Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

17 Changes in sea ice cover Change in planetary albedo Melting permafrost
release of greenhouse sequestered gases Melting Greenland ice sheet – Rises in sea level Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

18 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
The Scientific Satellite Validation Nine-year comparison of monthly cloud fractions form surface, TOVS and AVHRR on NOAA satellites And MODIS on NASA satellites over Barrow, Alaska Detailed resolved cloud microphysics/optical properties Aerosol Cloud Interactions Cloud Forcing of Surface Radiation Budgets Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

19 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Question: How do we integrate ground station records with aircraft campaign measurements? Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

20 Introduction to Summit Station
Located on the summit of the Greenland Ice Sheet Access is provided via C-130 flights from Kangerlussuaq, GL VECO Polar Resources provides logistical support Funding is provided through the National Science Foundation The station is operated under permits from the Danish Polar Centre and the Greenlandic Home Rule Government 72º 34’ N, 38º 29’ W, 3250 m.a.s.l. Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

21 Introduction to Summit Station
A brief history Summit is the location of the GISP II ice core drilled from The record is one of the most highly cited climate records today Air-snow-firn-ice transfer studies demonstrated the need for year-round measurments to quantify the variability and improve interpretation of the ice core record , first year-round season Nitrate emissions and reactivity of snowpack research gains widespread attention as a result of 1998, 2000, and other intensive campaigns at Summit (Dibb et al., 1998; Honrath, 1999.; others) Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

22 Introduction to Summit Station
Station layout / resources 4 ‘year round’ structures Bighouse Greenhouse Garage / GenMod Science Trench 2 science towers 50 m. Energy balance tower 15 m. Science tower 4.8 km groomed skiway Temporary summer structures Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

23 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Summit Station UNEP-GAW Site Contributing measurements since 2000 NOAA/CMDL Carbon group flask samples Halocarbon flask sampling Continuous surface ozone Aethelometer Aerosols UC Davis DELTA group DRUM sampler BSI NSF UV radiation network Total ozone (Dobson Units) Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

24 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Science outlook Ongoing projects LTO year round measurements Surface snow sampling Monthly snow pits Aerosols (UCDavis) Meteorology (ETH Zurich, GC-NET & DMI) Accumulation forest & 12 km transect NOAA/LTO measurements Continuous ozone Aethelometer Weekly MAKS sampling Bi-monthly HATS sampling Other year round projects Hawley borehole monitoring (densification rate measurement) GEOFON (seismic measurements) BSI UV radiation Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

25 7Be and 210Pb Radionuclides
Summer peak in 7Be unique to Summit, indicating air masses over the site reflect upper tropospheric conditions and stratospheric injections 210Pb concentrations are lowest at Summit, and lacking seasonality demonstrating the influence of Arctic Haze is low at 3 km altitude over the Greenland Ice Sheet Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

26 Measurements at Summit
Long-Term Observatory (LTO) NSF Funded for Included in the WMO-GAW program (#04417) Cooperative baseline measurements: Science Coordination Office run jointly through UCM & UNH For further information: Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

27 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Alert Measurements Measurement Programs at Alert GAW lab-as of April 2006 Table 1a: Continuous and Integrated Measurements carried out by ARQB Measurement Instrument Sampling Frequency Sampling Record Comments Aerosol Chemistry Filter Weekly Integrated Present ARQM & HC partnership (Major Ions, metals, sulphate & Isotopes) Meteorology Continuous 1985 – Present ARQM (Wind, Temp, Dew Point & Pressure) Peroxy Acetylnitrate GC Continuous 1986 – Present ARQM Ozone/UV/SO2 Brewer Continuous 1986 – Present ARQX CO2 NDIR Continuous Present ARQM CH4 GC Continuous 1987 – Present ARQM Black Carbon Aethalometer Continuous Present ARQM Ozone (surface) TECO Continuous 1992 – Present ARQM, ARQP prior to 2004 Toxics (PCBs, Ocs) PUF/filter Weekly Integrated 1993 – Present ARQP Gaseous Mercury Tekran Continuous 1995 – Present ARQP CFC-11 and CFC-12 GC Continuous 1995 – Present ARQM CO GC Continuous 1998 – Present ARQM H2 GC Continuous 1998 – Present ARQM Light Absorption PSAP Continuous 1998 – Present ARQM N2O GC Continuous 2000 – Present ARQM SF6 GC Continuous 2000 – Present ARQM Particulate Mercury Tekran Continuous 2001 – Present ARQP Persistent Organic Pollutants passive PUF Seasonally Integrated 2002 – Present ARQP BrO DOAS Continuous 2003 – Present ARQM Solar Radiation BSRN Continuous 2004 – Present ARQX, NOAA SEARCH Nephelometer Nephelometer Continuous 2004 – Present ARQM CPC CPC Continuous 2004 – Present ARQM 18O/16O-H2O Water Vapour Weekly Integrated 2004 – Present ARQM w U of Chicago 2H/H-H2O PS-1 PS-1 Weekly Integrated 2005 – Present ARQP Table 1b: Flask and Spot Sampling carried out by ARQB Ozone Vertical Balloon Sonde Bi Weekly Present ARQX, performed by MSC weather Profiles station staff CO2 Flask Weekly 1975 – Present ARQM CO2,CH4,CO,N2O Flask Weekly 1998 – Present ARQM SF6, 13C and 18O in CO2 Mercury in Snow Snow Sample Event Basis (Winter) Present ARQP Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

28 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Alert Measurements Table 1c: Measurements carried out by Canadian and International Partners Measurement Instrument Sampling Frequency Sampling Record Comments CO2, CH4, CO, Flask Weekly NOAA- CMDL, USA N2O, SF6, 13C/12C-CO2 18O/16O-CO2, 13C/12C-CH4 CO2, 13C/12C-CO2 Flask Weekly SIO, USA and 18O/16O-CO2 Table 1c: cont… CO2,CH4,CO,N2O Flask Weekly CSIRO, Australia SF6, 13C/12C-CO2 Halocarbons, Halons Flask Weekly NOAA-CMDL, USA N2O and CFCs CO2, 13C/12C-CO2 Flask Weekly IOS, Canada Oxygen / Nitrogen Flask Weekly SIO, USA 14C/12C-CO2 Integrated Weekly U of Heidelberg, Germany CO2, CH4, CO,N2O Flask Weekly U of Heidelberg, Germany SF6, 13C/12C 18O/16O in CO2 222Radon Alpha Spect. Continuous U of Heidelberg, Germany Halocarbons Flask Weekly NIES, Japan (CH3Br and CH3I) Precipitation Rain Sample Monthly Integrated H&W Canada -gross beta measurements Gamma Radiation TDL Seasonally Integrated H&W Canada 18O/16O-H2O Water Vapour Weekly Integrated U of Heidelberg, Germany 2H/H-H2O Aerosol Chemistry Filter Weekly Integrated Present ARQM & France partnership VOC Flask Weekly EC, Ottawa CO2, CH4, CO,N2O Flask Weekly MPI, Germany CO2, CH4, CO,N2O Flask Weekly LCSE, France Permafrost Temperature Thermistor Array Continuous NRC, Ottawa Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

29 What can POLARCAT contribute?
Overflights! Profiles and transects near stations considered valuable Space If available, there is interest in contributing instruments Real time CN Ozone Optical: Scattering, absorption, extinction GHG, C-cycle: Space for flasks? Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

30 Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007
Thank you! Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

31 IGACO TARGET VARIABLE LIST Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
 Air Quality  Oxidation Capacity  Climate   Stratospheric Ozone Depletion O3 H2O (water vapour) CO CO2 CH4 HCHO VOCs N2O NOx = NO+NO2 HNO3 SO2 BrO, ClO, OClO HCl, ClONO2 CH3Br, CF3Br, CFC-11, CFC-12, HCFC-22 aerosol optical properties actinic flux The short list obtained after filtering according to the criteria in the previous slide . Emphasized that this is not finalized. Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

32 Case Study: Transport of forest fire emissions
July – August, 2004, Summit, Greenland Evidence of strong albedo decreases following BC episode in July. August episode also show response despite fresh snowfall which generally increases albedo Fresh snow

33 7Be and 210Pb Radionuclides – value of a network
Summer peak in 7Be unique to Summit, indicating air masses over the site reflect upper tropospheric conditions and stratospheric injections 210Pb concentrations are lowest at Summit, and lacking seasonality demonstrating the influence of Arctic Haze is low at 3 km altitude over the Greenland Ice Sheet Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

34 Case Study: Transport of forest fire emissions
Conclusions: FLEXPART showed forest fires were lifted over the polar dome and transported throughout the Arctic AOD measurements at Barrow, Summit, and Zeppelin confirmed model results and the presence of forest fire smoke at these sites Albedo decreased 3% at Summit during strongest episode Boreal forest fires indeed have a strong impact on Arctic AOD and there is evidence for an albedo impact resulting from these plumes as well Burkhart, JF – POLARCAT Science Planning, Paris 2007

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