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Public Speaking Training

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1 Public Speaking Training
Laura Dickens Student Voice Administrator

2 Structure of Session The purpose of this session is to look about techniques on how to speak in Public. We will be covering: Challenges: What Holds You Back? Who Inspires You? What Makes A Good Speech? Delivering Your Speech: Calm, Confidence, Delivery, Celebrate (CCDC) Exercise: Let’s Examine Some Pros

3 Challenges: What Holds You Back?

4 What Holds You Back? Fear of forgetting words?
Standing in front of a crowd? Reaction of audience? Lack of confidence? Not being able to project? Getting booed off-stage? Not understanding or interested in the topic you’ve been asked to talk about? Is there anything else? Write down your fears.

5 Now let’s think about what you like to do.
Where is your happy place? What do you do to relax? How do you normally calm your nerves? Now let’s think about what you like to do. Write down your happy place. Think about calming things.

6 Who Inspires You?

7 Good Public Speakers? Why?

8 For Me, It’s Obama When this:
Led to this: (Song) Techniques:

9 What does he do? Speaks slowly and calmly
Emphasises key words and phrases Repetition of things he wants you to remember Speaks with passion and emotion Speaks confidently Speaks with authority Breaks in his speech for emphasis Uses his hands (he points a lot) Smiles at his audience Comes across as human Makes you feel you should care

10 Who Inspires You? When you think of a good public speaker, who comes to mind? What is it about their speaking or the way they deliver that inspires you? Can you name some of the speeches you’ve watched that have really stuck with you? What did these speakers do that made you remember?

11 What Makes A Good Speech?

12 A Good Speech Rule of 3: Introduce what you are going to talk about, talk about it, then summarise the main points. It will help the audience remember. Set the tone with your voice: Upbeat for uplifting and happy, Slower and calmer for something serious. Know your audience: Ensure they will get your references and understand you. In your language: If you are reading something that’s been written for you - ensure to rewrite it in your own language and tone. Repetition: Repeat the key points you want them to remember.

13 A Good Speech Variety: Vary the tone to keep the audience engaged. Avoid robotic or monotone. Concise: Keep messages short and to the point. Easier to remember. Feel Confident: You have the knowledge and the audience are here to listen to you. They want you to succeed. Eye contact and Smile: Try not to stare at notes, but look around the room, lock eyes with different people. Well rehearsed: Will help build your confidence in the words and keep to time. Q&A: Let the audience know when they can ask questions. Call to Action: Finish by letting the audience know what they can do next or how to take action.

14 Delivering Your Speech: Calm, Confidence, Delivery, Celebrate (CCDC)
Now let's talk about techniques for giving a speech.

15 You’re about to go on stage to deliver your speech
You’re about to go on stage to deliver your speech. You need to feel calm. 10-15 minutes before: Think of your happy place Breathe - slowly, in and out Drink water and have some on stage ready for you Listen to relaxing music Repeat the phrase “I can do this” over and over to yourself, out loud Calm

16 Just before you’re about to go on stage: Now you’re relaxed, you need to feel “I can do this.”
Reflect on all that you have achieved in your life - feel proud of yourself. The Audience want you to do well. Enjoy the moment - people have come to hear you speak. Listen to an upbeat song (mine’s Uptown Funk). Make the most of your qualms. Confidence Qualms: I like making terrible jokes. I tend to do this when nervous so now incorporate it into every speech.

17 Delivery You’ve taken to the stage. Time to deliver your speech.
Set the tone. Address the room. Have notes and prompts. Twitter. Handle and hashtags. Feel confident. You will do well. Be aware of your allocated time to speak. Project your voice. Speak slowly, allowing enough time to breath. Sip water when you need to. Use your hands. Walk around. If you’re shaking, don’t worry. Delivery

18 Your speech has been delivered. You’ve received a round of applause.
Relief - it’s done! Focus on the good - what went well? Tweet about it. Facebook about it. Celebrate. Reflect: what could I have done better? Keep practicing. Celebration

19 Exercise Free Education: No Fees For All Students. Agree or Disagree?

20 Exercise: Let’s Examine Some Pros

21 https://www. youtube. com/watch
Women Men Historical Speeches

22 Next Steps Keep practicing
Look through famous speeches - think about what is so appealing in them Try recording yourself speaking and watch it back Keep looking on Youtube, Vimeo, Google etc for Ted Talks and great speakers to get inspiration Stay in touch! We’re happy to help you Next Steps

23 Thank You For Attending
Any Questions?

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