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La méthode du tapis de la paix et du message clair

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Presentation on theme: "La méthode du tapis de la paix et du message clair"— Presentation transcript:

1 La méthode du tapis de la paix et du message clair

2 Les enfants qui maîtrisent la résolution des conflits sont:
Moins impulsifs Moins aggressifs Mieux appréciés The problem-solving skills are essential to have harmonious relationships Socialement plus qualifiés

3 La résolution des conflits
This is the four steps we use for problem-solving: 1: Calm Down, 2. To talk, 3. To search for possible solutions and 4. To find the best peaceful solution. And at the end, children join hands and agree to be friends.

4 La résolution des conflits: se calmer
I work with the children for finding solutions to calm down. This is also something you can use at home when your child is upset.

5 Je reconnais mes sentiments
Here you see children talking about the conflict and searching for solutions.

6 Je gère ma colère Here you see children talking about the conflict and searching for solutions.

7 Je gère ma colère Here you see children talking about the conflict and searching for solutions.

8 La résolution des conflits: se parler
Here you see children talking about the conflict and searching for solutions.

9 Je fais un message clair
Here you see children talking about the conflict and searching for solutions.

10 J’écoute Here you see children talking about the conflict and searching for solutions.

11 La résolution des conflits:
chercher des solutions possibles et pacifiques The children found a peaceful solution, they join hands and agree to be friends.

12 La résolution des conflits:
chercher des solutions possibles et pacifiques The children found a peaceful solution, they join hands and agree to be friends.

13 Questions? Questions?

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