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The Glory That Was Greece

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1 The Glory That Was Greece
Section 4 The Glory That Was Greece

2 Philosophers Used observation and reason to find causes for events
Known as logic (rational thinking) Debate ethics and morality Developed skills in rhetoric Socrates helped others seek truth and knowledge Socratic Method Plato > Socrates student > wrote The Republic Vision of an ideal state Three classes > workers, soldiers, & philosophers (rulers) Aristotle > Plato’s student Favored rule by a single strong ruler “Golden Mean” > a moderate course of living

3 Art and Architecture Concern for balance, order, and beauty
Parthenon > use of columns will influence future designs Art > idealistic > shows humans in most perfect, graceful form Paintings survived on pottery

4 Greek Literature Classical style > traditional Greek works of art
Began with poet Homer Drama > based off of myths or legends tragedies > told stories of human suffering Comedy > plays that mocked people or customs criticized society

5 Recording History Herodotus > “Father of History”
Traveled and collect information about events Noted bias & conflicting stories Wrote The Persian Wars Thucydides > also historian Wrote about Peloponnesian War He lived through that war

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