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Separating the components of the cell into two parts

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1 Separating the components of the cell into two parts
Mitosis Separating the components of the cell into two parts

2 The incredible cell

3 The center of our Study: The Nucleus
Nuceleolus: Center of the nucleus Chromatin- is a mass of genetic material composed of DNA

4 Chromosomes Chromo-colored -Somes-bodies Threadlike structure within the nucleus containing genetic information Passed from one generation of cells to the next

5 Genetic Information: DNA
DNA is a molecule that stores information and acts as a blueprint for the body of an organism provides the instructions for all the information a living organism needs to grow and function DNA is the molecule: Deoxyribonucleic acid

6 DNA forms a chromosome 1- Molecule forms by amino acid base pairs chemically bonding to form DNA. 2- DNA twists and curls 3- Twists and curls until it forms a chromosome.

7 Chromosome number Diploid Haploid body cells Produced through mitosis
(2n)= 46 chromosomes 23 from male and 23 from female Gametes (sex cells) Produced through meiosis (n)= total of 23 chromosomes sperm and egg cell

8 Diploid vs. Haploid

9 Chromosomes One copy from male (dad) One Copy from female (mom)

10 How is genetic information passed from one generation of cells to the next?
If a cell divides how is genetic information transferred? “sister chromatids”-

11 Chromatids Each chromosome has two identical arms-sister chromatids
When the cell divides: The “sister” chromatids separate and one goes to each of the two new cells

12 Cell Cycle Series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide During the cell cycle: A cell grows Prepares for division Divides to form two daughter cells Cycle begins again

13 Interphase Interphase Cell grows, copies DNA prepares to divide.

14 Mitosis Mitosis- The process of the cell dividing Mitosis has 4 parts
Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Mitosis

15 Prophase DNA in the nucleus of a cell condenses and becomes visible under the microscope Chromosomes condense Membrane surrounding the nucleus disappears

16 Metaphase Metaphase Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

17 Anaphase Anaphase: Chromosomes split apart
Creates two separate identical chromosomes Chromosomes are pulled to opposite sides of the cell

18 Telophase Telophase: A new nuclear membrane forms around each group of chromosomes

19 Cytokinesis Cytokinesis is the last step in the cell cycle
The cytoplasm divides to create two identical daughter cells Daughter cells then begin interphase

20 Uncontrolled cell growth
When a cell divides excessively and invade other organs it is known as cancer. Cancer cells do not respond normally to the bodies control mechanism to stop cell growth.

21 The purpose of cell division
To create genetically identical cells for Growth and development Repair Reproduction

22 ? Metaphase

23 ? Anaphase

24 ? prophase

25 ? metaphase

26 ? Prophase

27 ? Telophase

28 ? Anaphase

29 Let’s Practice Cell cycle and Mitosis Review Mitosis Animation

30 LET’S ACT IT OUT Directions:
Clear desk to the perimeter of the room to create a wide open space in the center of the room Get a pink or blue sheet of paper Listen to narration and act out each phase in mitosis Review/Questions

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