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Technical and Operational Aspects

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1 Technical and Operational Aspects
EC Meeting, Brussels – 24 April 2002 ETNS Concepts Technical and Operational Aspects Marco Bernardi NeuStar, Inc

2 Table of Contents ETNS Reference Model
Routeing of ETNS calls and distribution of routing numbers information Signalling Centralised Database

3 Reference Model (I) ETNS Reference Model as defined by ETSI
Service Provider ETNS Customer Registrar Non-call Related Call Related Assisted Network Service Producer Serving Network Service Network Terminating Network Calling Party Called Party This is not a business model

4 Reference Model (II) Call Related: Assisted Network Serving Network
Originating network that routes an ETNS call to a Serving Network Serving Network Network that performs number translation functions and routes a ETNS calls to the Service Network Service Network Network that hands an ETNS call over to a ETNS Service Producer to perform service specific functions, and then routes it to the Terminating Network Service Producer Entity that provides the ETNS service and performs number translation functions Terminating Network Network where the called party is connected

5 Reference Model (III) Non-call Related: Registrar
Entity responsible for the assignment of ENs and distribution of Routing number information ETNS Service Provider Entity that provides one or more ETNS service(s) to ETNS subscribers on a contractual basis and is not involved in real-time control of the service ETNS Customer Entity that subscribes to ETNS services through an ETNS Service Provider

6 Routeing of ETNS Calls (I)
Routeing of ETNS calls based on the use of number translation capabilities Flexible routeing architecture open to competition Different methods (Double translation method A and B) based on use of different network capabilities European Number (EN) Routeing Number (RN)  Terminating Number (TN) RN used to identify either the Service Network (RN2) or Service Network and the ETNS called party (RN1) RN is an E.164 national number; Non E.164 numbers (INRA – E.363) may be a future alternative Structure and assignment of RNs are national matters. No more than 7 digits required to identify the Service network TN used to identify the called party TN is E.164 national number

7 Routeing of ETNS Calls (II)
Double Translation Method A: speech path between SgN and SN Service Producer ETNS Translation DB EN RN RN TN Assisted Network Transit Network Service Network Serving Network EN EN RN TN Speech Path Terminating Network Signalling Path TN

8 Routeing of ETNS Calls (III)
Double Translation Method B: signalling path between SgN and SP SA Service Producer ETNS Translation DB TN EN Assisted Network Serving/Service Network Terminating Network EN TN TN EN Speech Path SA =Signalling Address (e.g. SCCP Global Titles) Signalling Path

9 Distribution of RNs SgN1 SgN2 SgN3 SP1 SP2
Distribution of RN information is non-call related function RNs are distributed when: an EN is assigned an EN is ported an EN is deactivated Service Provider request RNs distributed with a centralised approach SgN1 SgN2 SgN3 Registrar SP1 SP2

10 Signalling Best solution = Routeing method A with RN1
Routeing Method A with RN1 (RN identifies both the Service Network and the ETNS called party) can be implemented with existing signalling capabilities (ISUPv1) Routeing Method A with RN2 (RN identifies only Service Network) requires transport of both RN2 and EN Routeing method B can be implemented with standard signalling systems that use SCCP Global Titles; based on the availability of SA with international significance Best solution = Routeing method A with RN1 - available now with existing network capabilities

11 Centralised Database (I)
Off line centralised database to perform registrar function. User friendly web-based interface to access the database – Registrar database users ETNS Service providers, Serving Networks and NRAs Registrar database functions Check ENs availability Obtain ENs Distribute RNs Facilitate NP process between Donor and Receiving ETNS SP Access training and information material online ETNS level performance 1 wd to reserve EN 2 wd to change and distribute RN

12 Centralised Database (II)
Sunrise mechanism and dispute resolution process Conflicting EN reservations, SP and SgN registration ETNS Customer Service Manager +44 (0)

13 References Technical standards relating to ETNS (
EN : Management of the European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) EN : Routeing of Calls to European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) Services EN : Number Portability for Pan-European Services* * revised version subject to approval NOTES: Probably won't use, but will be available in published version. Revised technical standards currently subject to revision.

14 Questions ?

15 Glossary CEPT – Conference of the European Posts and Telecommunications EN – European Number ERO – European Radio Office – soon ECO European Communication Office ETNS – European Telephony Numbering Space ECC – European Communication Committee ETSI – European Technical Standards Institute RN – Routeing Number SgN – Serving Network SN – Service Network SP – Service Provider TN – Terminating Number

16 NeuStar’s mission NeuStar is the leading provider of database, clearinghouse and registry services that enable network operators and service providers to interoperate NeuStar is a neutral trusted third party NeuStar main areas Registry services: .biz, .us, North American Numbering Plan, Numbering Pooling, ETNS US Local Number Portability Administration (NPAC) Convergence IP and PSTN: ENUM OSS clearinghouse services: Care

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