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Euclidean Dynamical Symmetry in Nuclear Shape Phase Transition

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1 Euclidean Dynamical Symmetry in Nuclear Shape Phase Transition
Probing fundamental interactions by low energy excitations -Advances in theoretical nuclear physics, Stockholm, Sweden Euclidean Dynamical Symmetry in Nuclear Shape Phase Transition Yu Zhang Department of Physics, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, China In Collaboration with: Yu xin Liu, Feng Pan, Yang Sun, J. P. Draayer

2 Dynamical symmetry in many-body systems
SU(3) flavor symmetry Gell’mann-Ne’eman, 1962 Vibron moedl (VM) Iachello, 1981 Hadron physics (GeV) Molecular physics (eV) Interacting boson model (IBM) Arima and Iachello, 1976 Nuclear Physics (MeV)

3 Dynamical symmetry in s, d interacting boson system
Interacting Boson Model Arima and Iachello, 1976 Pan and Draayer, NPA 636 (1998) SU(1,1) d s d+s

4 Euclidean dynamical symmetry in s, d boson system
Zhang, Pan, Liu, Luo, Draayer, PRC, 90(2014) Euclidean algebra in 5- dimension (Eu(5)):

5 Nuclear shapes phase diagram in IBM
Jolie, Cejnar, Casten, Heinze, Linnemann, Werner, PRL,89,(2002) Casten, Nature Phys. 2, 811 (2006) Jolie, Cejnar, Casten, RMP, 80, (2010)

6 Emergent Eu(5) DS at ritical point
Zhang, Pan, Liu, Luo, Draayer, PRC, 90(2014)

7 Critical point model for nuclear shape phase transition
E(5): Iachello, PRL, 85(2000) 3580 X(5): Iachello, PRL, 87(2001) E(5) Spherical vibration Gamma-soft rotation X(5) Spherical vibration Axially-deformed rotation

8 Projection of the Eu(5) dynamical symmetry
Zhang, Liu, Pan, Sun, Draayer, PLB, 732 (2014) 55

9 Spectral characters of the Eu(5) DS
Boundary line for ESQPTs, Zhang, Iachello, PRC, 95,(2017) (R)

10 Scaling characters Rowe, Turner, Rosensteel, PRL, 93 (2004),232502

11 Signals of the Eu(5) DS in experiments

12 Summary The boson realization of the dynamical symmetry, Eu(5), is suggested. It is proven that the Eu(5) DS emerges naturally at the triple point of nuclear deformations. With the nonlinear projection, the Eu(5) dynamical symmetry can be used to bridge E(5) and X(5) CPSs. Its scaling characters also support that the geometry of Eu(5) dynamical symmetry is just infinite square well. Experimental data indicate that the Eu(5) dynamical symmetry is indeed dominant but hiden in the whole critical region of the SPT. 1 2 3 3 Thank you!

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