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Implementing the DESY EDMS

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the DESY EDMS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the DESY EDMS
for Fabrication Planning and Parts Tracking in Cryomodule Production Lars Hagge, DESY Workshop on Requirements Conformance for SRF Cryomodules Lund,

2 Outline DESY EDMS in Cryomodule Production
DESY EDMS: A more Systematic Assessment Implementing a PLM System

3 DESY EDMS in Cryomodule Production
First impressions of the DESY EDMS in cryomodule production What data is in the system? How is the data organized? How is the data processed? How does the end user work with the system?

4 Product Breakdown: Cryomodule MBOM

5 MBOM Line Item: Cavity String Part Definition

6 XM10 Cavity String Configuration

7 Product Breakdown: XM10 BOM

8 Example: Part Lifecycle and EDMS Workflows (Sketch)
Module ready for shipping Module ready for waveguide Module received XM Owner: Module Owner Possessor: CEA Delegate: Industrial Sub-contractor Location: CEA Shipping Area O: Module Owner P: Carrier L: Transportation to-DESY O: Module Owner P: WP10 L: DESY-AMTF Final Prepare for Inspections Shipping Transportation Incoming Module Inspection Test Coupler Assembly Record Acceptance Test Record Shipping Documents Transportation Documents Incoming Inspection Record Final Test Record assemble physical part to BOM grant access to sub-contractor (much earlier …) relate & release document update location release BOM transfer to next possessor record non-conformity Repair e.g. due to NCR

9 EDMS Integration: How does the end-user work?
EDMS Web-Interface Fully-functional EDMS client for interactive (ad-hoc) work EDMS Upload Web Services Easy Web-upload of Excel-based QA-documents with script-based automatic post-processing

10 EDMS: A More Systematic Assessment
A PLM system shall enable an organization to perform efficient and effective configuration management Configuration Management in a nutshell: Concept & Practices Baselines and EDMS Identification and EDMS Status accounting and EDMS Auditing and EDMS Reporting and EDMS

11 Configuration Management in a Nut-Shell
Configuration Management is a business process which ensures that products conform to their documented requirements. Configuration: Set of parts assembled into product e. g. mechanical and electronic hardware, software, accessories, documentation, or services Product configurations are represented by baselines at different lifecycle stages, e.g. Functional (= specification) Allocated (= design) Development (= interim) Product (= acceptance) Functional Baseline (Specification) e.g. high-level requirements Allocated Baseline (Design) e.g. design, fabrication planning allocate requirements Development Baseline (hold points) e.g. interim acceptance levels implement requirements Product Baseline (acceptance) e.g. tech docs, inspection records verify performance

12 Configuration Management in a Nut-Shell
Configuration Management Practices Baseline set of items (documents, parts, …) Identification of items in baseline Review & approval sign-offs BL is correct, consistent, complete Change control and propagation to following BLs Status accounting & reporting Auditing and handling NCRs validate BL with predecessors Functional Baseline (Specification) e.g. high-level requirements allocate requirements id1 Allocated Baseline (Design) e.g. design, fabrication planning id1 implement requirements ! Development Baseline (hold points) e.g. interim acceptance levels verify performance Product Baseline (acceptance) e.g. tech docs, inspection records !

13 Baselines MBOM = Design Baseline Part definition
Assembly & test instructions Coordinator & Work Package Part tracking information BOM = Product Baseline Physical part identification Backlink to used instructions rev. Inspection records Part status information

14 Baselines (2) Note: Baselines are transaction-safe, workflows are available for review & approval and change control, all items are versioned, dependencies of item revisions are respected in the processes, …

15 Identification id1 part with id
inspection records from CM integrator acceptance test with document-id part with id as-delivered product baseline from supplier

16 Status Accounting Item status is computed from various metadata, including Work status Owning work package Current location Disposition type

17 Auditing: Part Quality
! Perform quality inspection based on template Upload inspection records to EDMS and release part In case of deviation, raise and manage non-conformity report record incident distribute to reviewers decision by WP leader inhibit part usage while affected by active NCR

18 Auditing: Product Completeness
! Reconcile BOM and MBOM: Is a physical part present in BOM for every part that is defined in MBOM?

19 Reporting Item reporting
Summaries and evaluations of information on individual item Example: All NCRs of XM# Also: BOMs, reconciliation, specific documents in BOM, … Analysis Statistical analysis of sets of items Example: Production Status of supplied parts from WP# Note: Actual data is essential for analysis  easy upload tools!

20 Implementing a PLM System
A PLM System shall enable an organization to perform configuration management; it shall “gently enforce” the agreed practices. Information management and information systems Process maturity and PLM When to use PLM Scoping the project

21 Information Management
Information mgt. = make necessary information available in project when & where needed Strategy Process Architecture Appli- cations Architecture Data Archit- Infra- Structural Organization Architecture tecture Commu- nication Architecture structure Innovation starts here … Strategic issues: Do you want to implement … - design collaboration? - fabrication planning? - production control? - quality management and acceptance testing? - facility technical documentation? - facility lifecycle management? - … (PLMS =) Information system = application to enforce information management processes … or here. Technological issues: Do you want to use … - Oracle & open-source software - Commercial base product, on-/off-site dev. - QR-codes and RF-Ids - …

22 Process Maturity To enforce a business process by an information system, first of all the process has to be well-defined and established in the field PLM-team expects project/WP leader to specify processes In new endeavors, processes may not yet be fully known upfront Project/WP leader expects PLM-team to propose suitable process A PLM system provides a tremendous set of industrial best-practices for managing the product/project lifecycle. Project/WP leaders and PLM-team have to understand the practices and adapt to the environment at the right level, i.e. the right scope. ad-hoc repeatable defined managed optimizing aim: the same thing done twice should yield the same results in predictable cost, quality and time.

23 Scoping: When to use a PLM System?
It’s in the name: Product Lifecycle Management Product definition Any information relevant to the product, e.g. specifications, design documents, process instructions, acceptance testing, manuals, work/inspection records, … Lifecycle phases Any information relevant for a longer period in the product lifecycle, i.e. in more than one phase of e.g. envisioning, design, planning, fabrication, installation, operation … Management procedures Any information that shall undergo formal management activities, e.g. reviewing, signing-off, routing/, baselining, change control, non-conformity-handling

24 Scoping: Implementing the Right System
What to manage? How to process? Who to participate? Specifications CAD-Models Contracts Parts Physical Inventory Inspection records Meeting minutes Scientific publications Presentations Review/approve item Baseline items Register work record Manage change Manage non-conformity Update location Engineer Project leader Quality manager Technician Scientist Supplier Where to use? When needed? Why use? On-site office (desktop) Workshop (tablet) Tunnel (network) Partner lab (platform) Supplier site (security) Travelling (mobile) Planning Construction Operation Critical milestones Automate processes Coordinate work Comply with regulations Provide reliable archive

25 PLM: A Service with Sufficient Mandate
PLM systems should be provided with supporting services initially, they impose additional work on the users  compensate processes in practice differ from theory  learn and adapt PLM systems should be implemented and integrated as common effort dedicated solutions for specific purposes are usually better than PLM systems – but only for that purpose  do not “balkanize” the system landscape compromise needed from both providers and users PLM systems need reliable data as in real world: if digital parts are missing, all follow-up activities are blocked data correction is a major administrative effort (names, install. times, references …) PLM providers need sufficient mandate to be able to operate cannot afford to waste time and resources in “if”-discussions – talk “how to do”

26 PLM is a Cultural Change

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