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Multiple Intelligences.

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1 Multiple Intelligences

2 Group Discussion Questions
How are you smart? What is intelligence? In 350 B.C. people believed it was the heart, not the brain, that held our intelligence How do we measure a person’s intelligence? What does it mean to be intelligent in our society? What abilities do schools value and promote?

3 Multiple Intelligences
Word Smart

4 Linguistic (Word Smart)
The capacity to use words effectively, whether orally or in writing, and to manipulate syntax or structure of language, the semantics or meanings of language, and the pragmatic dimensions or practical uses of language. Student characteristics of linguistic intelligence… Like to write Spin tall tales or tell jokes and stories Have a good memory for names, places, dates, or trivia Enjoy reading books in their spare time Spell words accurately and easily Appreciate nonsense rhymes and tongue twisters Like doing crossword puzzles or playing games, such as Scrabble Close your eyes and think for a moment of a poem or passage that you had to memorize in school (give group 30 seconds). Open your eyes. Ask for volunteers to tell what the name/title of their memorized passage was. Have them share the excerpt they remember. Reinforce the volunteering. You are tapping into your linguistic intelligence. The ability to think/communicate using words. Review slide.

5 Word Smart Number Smart

6 Logical-Mathematical (Number Smart)
The capacity to use numbers effectively and to reason well, including sensitivity to logical patterns and relationships, statements and propositions. Student characteristics of logical/mathematical intelligence… Compute math problems quickly in their head Enjoy using computers Play and win at chess, checkers, and other strategy games Reason things out logically and clearly Devise experiments to test out things they don’t understand Spend lots of time working on logic puzzles, such as a Rubik’s cubes or sudoku puzzles Complete the following problem. You may need a pencil and paper. How long is a million seconds in days. (answer = days) While folks are working notice behavior problems within the room and point them out. Also, point out those who are working diligently. Ask how many got right to work and how many of you immediately said to yourself no way am I even trying. Now might be a good time for me to make a phone call. Let’s try another Complete the following phrase 11, 12, 14, ____, 26, 42. (Answer is 18.) Tapping into logical/mathematical intelligence Point out that the two intelligences just described are the two we test with intelligence tests.

7 Word Smart Picture Smart Number Smart

8 Spatial (Picture Smart)
The ability to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately and to perform transformations on those perceptions. Involves sensitivity to color, line, shape, form, space, and relationships that exist between these elements. Student characteristics of the spatial intelligence… Spend free time engaged in art activities Report clear visual images when thinking about something Easily read maps, charts, and diagrams Draw accurate representations of people or things Like to be shown movies, slides, or photographs Enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles or mazes Daydreams often You may close your eyes or keep them open. Visualize your bedroom. See the bed. Is it made? Are there wrinkles in the cover. Are the blinds open or closed? Any animals laying on the be who should not be? Picked up or cluttered. Closet and chest doors/drawers open or closed? Anything under the bed? Etc. etc. Tapping spatial intelligence. Put up slide review.

9 Word Smart Picture Smart Number Smart Body Smart

10 Bodily- Kinesthetic (Body Smart)
Expertise in using one’s whole body to express ideas and feelings and facility in using one’s hands to produce or transform things. Student characteristics of the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence… Move, twitch, tap, or fidget while sitting in a chair Enjoy scary amusement rides Demonstrate skill in a craft like woodworking, sewing, or carving Do well in competitive sports Engage in physical activities, such as swimming, biking, hiking or skateboarding Sit back in your chair, get comfortable and close your eyes. Imagine it is 1840 and you are setting off on a trip to town which is several miles away. You climb up into the wagon and settle yourself on the hard, cold, wooden, splintery seat. You take reigns and signal the team ahead. The jerk you into motion. You clip and clop and bounce and jostle onto the dirt road. The road itself is washed out and rutted. The horses hit every hole, rock, glitch and bump in the washed out road. You bump and and sway and lunge and pitch all the way to town. Finally you round the bend and the horses come to an abrupt halt right in front of the general store. You jerk forward and then back as you try to maintain your balance. Describe a roller coaster ride for another b-k activity. Who could feel the trip? Tapping bk intelligence Review slide.

11 Word Smart Picture Smart Number Smart Music Smart Body Smart

12 Musical (Music Smart) The capacity to perceive, discriminate, transform, and express musical forms. Includes sensitivity to the rhythm, pitch, or melody as well as timbre or tone of a musical piece. Student characteristics of the musical intelligence… Play a musical instrument Remember melodies of songs Can tell when a musical note is off-key Say they need to have music on in order to study Collect songs on an iPod or MP3 player Sing songs to themselves Keep time rhythmically to music Complete the following phrase Humm or sing a few bars of a popular tune such as Beethoven’s 5th, Rocky Top, etc. or clap out a rhythm for the group to respond to Which intelligence. Put up slide and review

13 Word Smart Picture Smart Number Smart Music Smart Body Smart People Smart

14 Interpersonal (People Smart)
The ability to perceive and make distinctions in the moods, intentions, motivations, and feelings of other people. Student characteristics of the Interpersonal intelligence… Have a lot of friends Socialize a great deal at school or around the neighborhood Get involved in after-school group activities Serve as the “family mediator” when disputes arise Enjoy playing group games with other children Have a lot of empathy for the feelings of others If you did the interview earlier, refer back to it. If not have them do one now and find out a very embarrassing moment they are willing to share. Have them reflect on the the interview itself and the sharing of the moment. Put up slide and review.

15 Word Smart Self Smart Picture Smart Number Smart Music Smart Body Smart People Smart

16 Intrapersonal (Self Smart)
Self-knowledge and the ability to act adaptively on the basis of that knowledge. Includes having an accurate picture of oneself (strengths and limitations), awareness of inner moods, intentions, motivations, temperaments, and desires as well as the capacity for self-discipline, self-understanding, and self esteem. Student characteristics of the Intrapersonal intelligence… Display a sense of independence or a strong will React with strong opinions Seem to live in their own world Like to be alone to pursue some personal interest, hobby, or project Seem to have a deep sense of self-confidence March to the beat of a different drummer in their style Motivate themselves to do well on independent projects Take about 60 seconds and write down both your greatest professional or parenting asset and your biggest weakness. Review how many people actually get to writing, point out, etc. Ask for show of hands of folks who at least formulated the thought and even wrote something. Those of you who did tapping intrapersonal intelligence Put up slide and reveiw

17 Word Smart Nature Smart Self Smart Picture Smart Number Smart Music Smart Body Smart People Smart

18 Naturalist (Nature Smart)
Expertise in the recognition and classification of the numerous species – the flora and fauna – of an individual’s environment. Includes sensitivity to other natural phenomena (e.g., cloud formations, and mountains). Student characteristics of the naturalist intelligence… Stand up if the statement I make applies to you. Remain standing or join the group if the subsequent statements describe you. Sit down each time a statement does not describe you. I can grow anything, flowers, vegetables, etc. without much effort. I have more than 2 pets. I can glance at a car and know the make and model without reading it on the car. I give money to environmental agencies. I have a stamp or other type of collection, which is categorized and organized. I easily identify things in nature, trees, bird calls, vegetation, etc. Collects, organizes, and classifies items (e.g., rocks, bottles, stamps) Enjoys gardening and seems to have a “green thumb” Loves animals and often has one or more pets Enjoys early morning bird watches and records observations Predicts changes in weather based on cloud patterns Seems to really focus on instruction when given outdoors

19 Word Smart Nature Smart Self Smart Picture Smart Number Smart Music Smart Body Smart People Smart

20 Group Discussion Questions
Compare & Contrast: Traditional Intelligence vs. Multiple Intelligences Are Word Smart and Number Smart really the most important forms of intelligence? How would you design an ‘ideal’ school?

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