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Everything you need to know about super volcanoes for your GCSE :) by Lara, Tattie, Kate, Emma, Clara, Kezia , Lottie and Jess.

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Presentation on theme: "Everything you need to know about super volcanoes for your GCSE :) by Lara, Tattie, Kate, Emma, Clara, Kezia , Lottie and Jess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everything you need to know about super volcanoes for your GCSE :) by Lara, Tattie, Kate, Emma, Clara, Kezia , Lottie and Jess

2 What is a supervolcano? By Lara
When was the last eruption? years ago - Named examples of supervolcanoes? yellowstone volcano How do we know they exist? -

3 How does a super volcano erupt?
Supervolcanoes can occur when magma in the mantle rises into the crust from a hotspot but is unable to break through the crust, and pressure builds in a large and growing magma pool until the crust is unable to contain the pressure (this is the case for the Yellowstone Caldera)

4 How does a supervolcano compare to a normal volcano? … its worse
CHARACTERISTICS Normal Volcano Super volcano Shape Cone-like mountain –especially if it is a composite volcano. NOT A MOUNTAIN Large depression called a caldera Size Etna is 3km high and 140km in its circumference. Yellowstone National Park is close to 100km long, 40km wide and 8km deep. Scale of emissions VEI 5 Ash can travel a long way, lava travels shorter distances. VEI 8 Impact Over a few km Mostly local Ash travels over hundreds km2 Will effect the whole world if erupts

5 What are the effects of a supervolcano?
On the country in which it erupts, for example yellowstone, three quarters of the USA would be affected within a 1000km radius, 90% of people are likely to be killed The ash generated will choke both people and animals buildings and roofs will collapse due to weight of the ash -it only needs 30 cm of ash to make a roof collapse. road transport would be very difficult ash would smother crops and vegetation - food supplies would stop. economic activity would be severely affected

6 The effects of a Supervolcanic Eruption-katys
the globe cools drastically as the ash blocks out the sun crops don't grow for 6 years so disaster and the gas is also toxic so everything in it dies slowly from the inside outwards ash spreads everywhere with the wind and people die from it and can choke also the land is destroyed and fires start as well and earthquakes also the animals near the volcano sufficate and die because of the flmaes

7 What are the effects of a supervolcano?
After 3 to 4 day the as would reach the UK and Europe The sulphur ejected into the atmosphere would rapidly spread across the globe It would result in major climatic cooling it would take 2 to 3 weeks for the sulphuric acid to spread across the globe annual average temperatures would drop by 10 degrees In Europe snow could fall for 3 years and remain on the ground colder temperatures could last for 6 to 10 years there would be a great loss in life, loss in the economy and changes to the ecosystems MENTION THE MONSOON RAINS as an example too

8 Emma’s Quiz Q1 Supervolcanoes form at _________ margins or o

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