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2017 Continuum of Care: Renewal Project ESNAPS Training

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Presentation on theme: "2017 Continuum of Care: Renewal Project ESNAPS Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 Continuum of Care: Renewal Project ESNAPS Training
Presented by - CARES, Inc. August 3, 2017

2 To Provide Information for renewal CoC Project Applicants
Discussion Goal To Provide Information for renewal CoC Project Applicants This webinar will: Detail 2017 Changes and Updates to ESNAPS and the Renewal Application Application Format Review Detail e-snaps technical submission directions This webinar will NOT: Provide a detailed overview of the Continuum of Care Provide a detailed overview of the 2017 NOFA

3 Welcome Back

4 2017 application Changes HUD Forms No Grant Number Needed!
PIN Number carried throughout application: first 6 characters of the grant Dedicated Plus Project designation (PSH ONLY) Submit without Changes Expansion Projects (excluding TH) Budget Information Change: No more Detailed Descriptions and quantities required Match Policy update: Program Income may be counted! New Question Added In-Kind MOU Attachment

5 What is a Dedicated Plus Project?
A permanent supportive housing project where 100 percent of the beds are dedicated to serve individuals with disabilities and families in which one adult or child has a disability, including unaccompanied homeless youth, that at intake are: experiencing chronic homelessness as defined in 24 CFR 578.3; residing in a transitional housing project that will be eliminated and meets the definition of chronically homeless in effect at the time in which the individual or family entered the transitional housing project residing in transitional housing funded by a Joint TH and PH-RRH component project and who were experiencing chronic homelessness as defined at 24 CFR prior to entering the project; residing and has resided in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or emergency shelter for at least 12 months in the last three years, but has not done so on four separate occasions receiving assistance through a Department of Veterans Affairs(VA)-funded homeless assistance program and met one of the above criteria at initial intake to the VA's homeless assistance system. *(FY17 NOFA, page 18)

6 Designating Beds All projects will be asked to confirm whether the project is “100% Dedicated” or “Dedicated Plus” If the project currently is NOT required to be 100 percent dedicated the choices are: N/A Dedicated Plus 100 Percent If the project is currently 100 percent dedicated the choices are: 100% Dedicated Important: Projects can still dedicate beds to chronic on Screen 4B regardless of Dedicated Plus status!

7 What is Joint TH and PH-RRH ?
This project type is intended to provide a new way to meet some of the pressing challenges that communities are facing. They provide a safe place for people to stay – crisis housing – with financial assistance AND wrap around supportive services determined by program participants to help them move to permanent housing as quickly as possible. This project type will include TH and PH-RRH in a single project to serve individuals and families experiencing homelessness, including victims of DV. Joint component projects should be Housing First, have low barriers, connect participants to resources, prioritize those with the highest needs. A program participant may choose to receive ONLY TH OR the RRH component, but the recipient must make both available. *(FY17 NOFA, page 20)

8 Application Breakdown
8 Part Renewal Application Part 1 & 2 – HUD Forms and Certifications and Sub-recipient and Recipient Information and Experience Parts 3-6 – Project Specific Submission without Change! Part 7 – Attachments and Certification Part 8 – Submission Summary

9 Submission without change
This year Project Applicants can submit Parts 2-6 without changes! If Changes need to be selected you can simply select ONLY the screens that need to be updated! IMPORTANT: Once you have selected and then saved the change screen mode it can’t be unchecked If it is checked in error there must be an explanation noted

10 Permanent Housing Part 3-6
Part 3: Project Information Screen Changes: New 3C – “Dedicated Plus” New question 6D. Match – Program income question Part 4: Housing and Services Part 5: Participants and Outreach Part 6: Budget

11 ESNAPS Demo From Creation to Submission

12 ESNAPS Process Update Applicant Profile Register for Funding Create the Project Complete the Application and Submit

13 Log-in

14 Albany Damien Center Program (2016)
Log-in Albany Damien Center Program (2016)

15 Updating the Applicant Profile

16 Completing the Profile

17 Opening the forms for editing

18 Now it’s Open

19 Starting from the beginning

20 Electronic forms

21 Remember…it’s only complete when it’s complete!

22 Registering for the Funding Opportunity

23 Approving registration

24 Creating individual projects

25 Finding the correct Fiscal Year

26 Creating the application

27 Importing 2016 Data

28 Completing the application

29 Completing Part 1

30 Part 1

31 Certifying Information

32 Completing the 2880

33 2880 – Part II Part II. Other Government Assistance and Expected Sources and Uses of Funds. A. Other Government Assistance. This Part is to be completed by both applicants and recipients for assistance. Project applicants and recipients must report any other government assistance involved in the project (grant). "Other government assistance" is defined to include any loan, grant, guarantee, insurance, payment, rebate, subsidy, credit, tax benefit, or any other form of direct or indirect assistance from the Federal government (other than that requested from HUD in the CoC Program project application), a State, or a unit of general local government, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, that is, or is expected to be made, available with respect to the project (grant) for which the assistance is sought. For purposes of this definition, other government assistance is expected to be made available if, based on an assessment of all the circumstances involved, there are reasonable grounds to anticipate that the assistance will be forthcoming. Both applicant and recipient disclosures must include all other government assistance involved with the HUD assistance, as well as any other government assistance that was made available before the request, but that has continuing vitality at the time of the request. Examples of this latter category include tax credits that provide for a number of years of tax benefits, and grant assistance that continues to benefit the project at the time of the assistance request. B. Non-Government Assistance. Note that the applicant and recipient disclosure report must specify all expected sources and uses of funds–both from HUD and any other source–that have been or are to be, made available for the project (grant). Non-government sources of funds typically include (but are not limited to) foundations and private contributors. The following information must be provided in the e-snaps columns provided. If additional rows are needed, please use the "Other Attachments" screen of the project applicant profile to attach additional documentation.

34 2880 Part III Part III. Interested Parties
This Part is to be completed by both project applicants and recipients filing update reports. Project applicants must provide information on: 1. all developers, contractors, or consultants involved in the application for the assistance or in the planning, development, or implementation of the project or activity; and

35 Completing the 50070

36 New Lobbying Form


38 Opening the Full Application

39 New Screen: 3c

40 Dedicated and DedicatedPlus Designation

41 Dedicating Beds to chronic homeless

42 Source of Match – New Question

43 In-Kind Mou attachment

44 Program Income

45 What is program income as defined in 24 CFR 578.97?
(a)Defined. Program income is the income received by the recipient or subrecipient directly generated by a grant-supported activity. (b)Use. Program income earned during the grant term shall be retained by the recipient, and added to funds committed to the project by HUD and the recipient, used for eligible activities in accordance with the requirements of this part. Costs incident to the generation of program income may be deducted from gross income to calculate program income, provided that the costs have not been charged to grant funds. (c)Rent and occupancy charges. Rents and occupancy charges collected from program participants are program income. In addition, rents and occupancy charges collected from residents of transitional housing may be reserved, in whole or in part, to assist the residents from whom they are collected to move to permanent housing.

46 Summary budget

47 Submission without changes

48 Submission with changes

49 Submission summary

50 Important Nofa Dates The CoC and Project Applications were available in e-snaps on July 19th All Project Applications must be submitted via ESNAPS by August 18th All CoC Applications must be submitted by September 28th 8:00 pm

51 Link(s) to important hUD Documents
FY17 NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFA) : JOINT TH AND RRH COMPONENT: DEDICATED PLUS PROJECTS Applicant Profile How to complete a 2880 in esnaps FY 2017 CoC Program Renewal Projects Detailed Instructions

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