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What will the outcomes be at the end of the topic?

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Presentation on theme: "What will the outcomes be at the end of the topic?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What will the outcomes be at the end of the topic?
New Vocabulary Year 4 – Summer Term Magma, lava, volcano, earthquake, crater, plates What will the outcomes be at the end of the topic? Numeracy Continuing to work on our multiplication, division, subtraction and addition. Key learning: Partitioning in different ways, hundredths, decimal equivalents of fractions, short division method Literacy Reading ‘Gulliver’ by Johnathan Swift PSHE Be the Best You Can Be SRE Children will gain a full understanding of volcanoes and earthquakes and the effect of both on humans and the environment. French Greetings, numbers, classroom objects Key questions to investigate What is a volcano? What happens in an eruption? How do earthquakes occur? History/ Geography We will be looking at famous earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in history We will look at volcanoes – layers, how they are formed This term our topic is: Active Planet Art and Design/DT Volcanic art Sketching Making volcanoes What do the children already know? What do they want to find out? The children know that volcanoes can erupt and hurt people. They want to make their own volcano and find out exactly how eruptions occur. Science Electricity The components of a circuit, the function of a switch, conductors and insulators, constructing our own circuit. Living Things and Their Habitats The different groups for living things, classification keys, plants and animals, vertebrates and invertebrates Religious Education Buddhism Who was the Buddha? Islam Way of Life Music We will be listening to and performing circus music and instruments How will the topic link to our community? How will Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural links be made? Humanitarian aid after a natural disaster – i.e. Red Cross Safety in a natural disaster Trips and Visits Natural History Museum Guy Fox Project all term – visit related to this Computing Prezi presentations Continuing with Makewaves CS Unplugged Resources: Role Play and Real Life links Equipment in the classroom PE Swimming Tennis Materials to make volcanoes – paper mache etc Texts: Gulliver, Escape from Pompeii Information texts about volcanoes and earthquakes

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