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Stress and mental illness

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1 Stress and mental illness

2 Does the red get your attention or does the blue
Hi Because it is a quirk with are brain red can strikes fear and blue is relaxing Fear can be good and bad fear can lead to stress which can be good and bad in the way we respond

3 Mental health definition
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines: health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  The WHO states that “there is no health without mental health.”

4 Stress can cause: -poor eating habits -worrying -aggression -hyperactivity -depression -anxiety
-poor concentration - lack of sleep


6 Nervous system impair memory and learning Causes depression
Causes Anxiety Imbalanced hormones Fatigue

7 RESPIRATORY system Hyperventilating Shortness of breath
breathing faster respiratory infections Causes RESPIRATORY medical conditions to worsen

blood pressure rise speeds up heart beat Slows blood flow and elevate cholesterol levels which can cause heart disease, heart attack, or stroke

9 ENDOCRINE system liver to produce more blood sugar, to give you that kick of energy in the moment of perceived danger If you’re in long term stress you're already at risk for type 2 diabetes

10 IMMUNE system there is one good thing it does for this system short-term stress can actually boost the immune system, helping your body fight infection. Ongoing stress, however, turns things in the other direction for example slow healing from diseases and worsening skin conditions such as eczema, hives, and yes acne

11 Ways to lessen stress are -get more sleep -relaxing exercises example yoga -eat healthy food -talk about your problems example counsellor, doctor, or family -meditation

12 Ways to Get more sleep lack of sleep can cause stress Ways to Get more sleep are for example if you need to use your device turn down brightness on device or get a blue light filter so you don’t get exposed to heavy amounts of blue spectrum light no caffeine if you drink tea get for example celestial seasonings sleepy time tea to help fall asleep And this Is optional get a vitamin called melatonin a natural sleep aide that makes more of the hormone called melatonin Do some sort of exercise that will tire you out Some foods with protein vitamin b6 magnesium and calcium will help you sleep example bananas,Yogurt, and Almonds

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