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Modern United States energy crisis of the 1970’s (US.100)

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2 Modern United States energy crisis of the 1970’s (US.100)
1973 oil crisis – OPEC embargoed much oil to the U.S. in retaliation for supplying weapons to Israel in its fight against Palestine. 1979 energy crisis – With the overthrow of the Shah and the rise of the Ayatollah, supply dropped enough for a panic.

3 Modern United States Alex Haley (US.101)
Famous African-American author who lived some of his life in Tennessee and is buried in Tennessee.

4 Modern United States The Autobiography of Malcolm X (US.101)
Co-written by Alex Haley and Malcolm X, it was published in Outlines Malcolm X's philosophy of black pride, black nationalism, and pan-Africanism.

5 Modern United States Roots: The Saga of an American Family (US.101)
In 1976, wrote “Roots: The Saga of an American Family.” Became a mini-series in 1977 and 130 million watched it. Brought great awareness of African-American history.

6 Modern United States Environmental Protection Agency (US.102)
In 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency was created. DDT would be banned in 1972. March 21, 1970 – first Earth Day. 1970’s counterculture supported environmentalism.

7 Modern United States Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” (US.102)
In 1962, “Silent Spring” was written by Rachel Carson. The book questioned the use of DDT in agriculture. DDT could cause cancer and threaten wildlife.

8 Modern United States Love Canal (US.102)
In 1978, more than 800 families had to be relocated from their homes near Niagara Falls, New York. The houses had been built on the site of a chemical company that had dumped waste in this area.

9 Modern United States Three Mile Island (US.102)
In March of 1979, this nuclear plant suffered a meltdown, which released a great deal of radioactivity into the atmosphere. Thousands of people moved away from the site. It took $1 billion and 14 years to clean up the mess.

10 Modern United States Exxon Valdez (US.102)
In March of 1989, this oil tanker struck a reef and spilled 10’s of millions of gallons of oil into Prince William Sound, Alaska. Captain Hazelwood was fined $50,000 and given 1,000 hours of community service.

11 Modern United States Camp David Accords (US.103)
The Camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978, following twelve days of negotiations at Camp David. This led directly to the 1979 Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty.  Jimmy Carter had brought the two leaders together.

12 Modern United States Panama Canal Treaty (US.103)
The U.S. took control of the canal in In 1977, treaties were signed which would allow the Panama Canal to return to Panama at the end of At midnight of December 31, 1999, the canal was turned over to the Panamanian government.

13 Modern United States poor economy of late 1970’s (US.103)
1. The oil shocks of the 1970’s led to high inflation. 2. Growth flattened out after the booming post-war period. 3. stagflation – inflation and unemployment grew.

14 Modern United States SALT treaties (US.103)
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Two rounds of talks between the U.S. and the Soviet Union seeking weapons control: SALT I and SALT II. SALT I _ anti-ballistic missile traey. SALT II – dropped by U.S. after Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

15 Modern United States Iran Hostage Crisis (US.103)
In 1979, Iran had a revolution, which overthrew the American backed Shah and put the Ayatollah Khomeini in power. The American Embassy was taken over by Iranian students, and American hostages would be held for 444 days.

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