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Extensions to Complex numbers

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1 Extensions to Complex numbers

2 Definition: Norm of a vector
By Pythagoras theorem, the length of a vector with two components [a b] is The length of a vector with three components [a b c] is The length of a vector with n components, [a1 a2 … an], is defined as , which is also called the norm of [a1 a2 … an]. kshum ENGG2013 2

3 Examples We usually denote the norm of a vector v by || v ||. kshum
ENGG2013 3

4 Norm squared The square of the norm, or square of the length, of a column vector v can be conveniently written as the dot product Example kshum ENGG2013 4

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6 Quadratic equation When the discriminant of a quadratic equation is negative, there is no real solution. The complex roots are kshum ENGG2013 6

7 Complex eigenvalues There are some matrices whose eigenvalues are complex numbers. The characteristic polynomial of this matrix is The eigenvalues are kshum ENGG2013 7

8 Complex numbers Let i be the square root of –1.
A complex number is written in the form a+bi where a and b are real numbers. “a” is called the “real part” and “b” is called the “imaginary part” of a+bi. Addition: (1+2i) + (2 – i) = 3+i. Subtraction: (1+2i) – (2 – i) = –1 + 3i. Multiplication: (1+2i)(2 – i) = 2+4i–i–2i2=4+3i. kshum ENGG2013 8

9 Complex numbers The conjugate of a+bi is defined as a – bi.
The absolute value of a+bi is defined as (a+bi)(a – bi) = (a2+b2)1/2. We use the notation | a+bi | to stand for the absolute value a2+b2. Division: (1+2i)/(2 – i) kshum ENGG2013 9

10 The complex plane Im 1+2i 3+i Re 2 – i kshum ENGG2013 10

11 Polar form Im a+bi = r (cos  + i sin ) = r ei a r  Re b kshum
ENGG2013 11


13 Complex vectors and matrices
Complex vector: vector with complex entries Examples: Complex matrix: matrix with complex entries kshum ENGG2013 13

14 Length of complex vector
If we apply the calculation of the length of a vector to a complex, something strange may happen. Example: the “length” of [i 1] would be Example: the “length” of [2i 1] would be kshum ENGG2013 14

15 Definition The norm, or length, of a complex vector [z1 z2 … zn]
where z1, z2, … zn are complex numbers, is defined as Example The norm of [i 1] is The norm of [2i 1] is kshum ENGG2013 15

16 Complex dot product For complex vector, the dot product is replaced by
where c1, d1, e1, c2, d2, e2 are complex numbers and c1*, d1*, and e1* are the conjugates of c1, d1, and e1 respectively. kshum ENGG2013 16

17 The Hermitian operator
The transpose operator for real matrix should be replaced by the Hermitian operator. The conjugate of a vector v is obtained by taking the conjugate of each component in v. The conjugate of a matrix M is obtained by taking the conjugate of each entry in M. The Hermitian of a complex matrix M, is defined as the conjugate transpose of M. The Hermitian of M is denoted by MH or kshum ENGG2013 17

18 Example Hermitian \|\mathbf{v}\|^2 = \mathbf{v}^H\mathbf{v} = \begin{bmatrix} 1& -4i& 2-i \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} 1\\ 4i\\ 2+i \end{bmatrix} = = 22 kshum ENGG2013 18 18

19 Example \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 2i & 1-i \\ -2i &0 & i\\ 1+i & -i & 1
\end{bmatrix}^H =\begin{bmatrix} \end{bmatrix} kshum ENGG2013 19 19

20 Complex matrix in special form
Hermitian: AH=A. Skew-Hermitian: AH= –A. Unitary: AH =A-1, or equivalently AH A = I. Example: kshum ENGG2013 20

21 Charles Hermite Dec 24, 1822 – Jan 14, 1901. French mathematician
Dec 24, 1822 – Jan 14, 1901. French mathematician Introduced the notion of Hermitian operator Proved that the base of the natural log, e, is transcendental. kshum ENGG2013 21

22 Properties of Hermitian matrix
Let M be an nn complex Hermitian matrix. The eigenvalues of M are real numbers. We can choose n orthonormal eigenvectors of M. n vectors v1, v2, …, vn, are called “orthonormal” if they are (i) mutually orthogonal viH vj =0 for i j, and (ii) viH vi =1 for all i. We can find a unitary matrix U, such that M can be written as UDUH, for some diagonal matrix with real diagonal entries. kshum ENGG2013 22

23 Properties of skew-Hermitian matrix
Let S be an nn complex skew-Hermitian matrix. The eigenvalues of S are purely imaginary. We can choose n orthonormal eigenvectors of S. We can find a unitary matrix U, such that S can be written as UDUH, for some diagonal matrix with purely imaginary diagonal entries. kshum ENGG2013 23

24 Properties of unitary matrix
Let U be an nn complex unitary matrix. The eigenvalues of U have absolute value 1. We can choose n orthonormal eigenvectors of U. We can find a unitary matrix V, such that U can be written as VDVH, for some diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries lie on the unit circle in the complex plane. kshum ENGG2013 24

25 Eigenvalues of Hermitian, skew-Hermitian and unitary matrices
Im Complex plane unitary Hermitian Re Skew-Hermitian 1 kshum ENGG2013 25

26 Generalization: Normal matrix
A complex matrix N is called normal, if NH N = N NH. Normal matrices contain symmetric, skew- symmetric, orthogonal, Hermitian, skew- Hermitain and unitary as special cases. We can find a unitary matrix U, such that N can be written as UDUH, for some diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the eigenvalues of N. kshum ENGG2013 26

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28 Exponential function Definition for real x: y = ex.
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29 Derivative of exp(x) y= ex y=1+x
For example, the slope of the tangent line at x=0 is equal to e0=1. e^x = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{x^n}{n!} = 1+x+\frac{x^2}{2}+\frac{x^3}{3!}+ \ldots. kshum ENGG2013 29 29

30 Taylor series expansion
We extend the definition of exponential function to complex number via this Taylor series expansion. For complex number z, ez is defined by simply replacing the real number x by complex number z: kshum ENGG2013 30

31 Series expansion of sin and cos
Likewise, we extend the definition of sin and cos to complex number, by simply replacing real number x by complex number z. kshum ENGG2013 31

32 Example For real number : \begin{align*}
cos(i\theta) &= 1-\frac{(i\theta)^2}{2!}+\frac{(i\theta)^4}{4!}- \frac{(i\theta)^6}{6!}+\ldots\\ &= 1+ \frac{\theta^2}{2!}+\frac{\theta^4}{4!}+\frac{\theta^6}{6!}+\ldots \end{align*} kshum ENGG2013 32 32

33 Euler’s formula For real number , Proof: kshum ENGG2013 33 33

34 Summary Matrix and vector are extended from real to complex
Transpose  conjugate transpose (Hermitian operator) Symmetric  Hermitian Skew-symmetric  skew-Hermitian Exponential function and sinusoidal function are extended from real to complex by power series. kshum ENGG2013 34

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