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Toothbrush A biography.

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1 Toothbrush A biography

2 The Early Years Toothbrush was born September the 16th of January.
Toothbrush originated as a doodle in Pete’s sketch book. The original doodle still exists. It’s probably hiding in the basement somewhere. Originally, his beak was much smaller. Also, he doesn’t have teeth.

3 Here’s what Toothbrush
used to look like: See what I mean about a smaller beak?

4 Toothbrush has never seen Vertigo.

5 Toothbrush once ran into Michael Bay at a pawn shop.
This was shortly after seeing Transformers 2. He had some strong words for Mr. Bay about it. Also, The Island was terrible. No, really, it was painfully bad. I don’t think you fully appreciate the overwhelming awfulness that is The Island. It made Toothbrush angry. This was the last time Michael Bay has been seen by anyone.

6 Toothbrush is particularly fond of the works of science fiction author Philip K. Dick.
Book. He wrote a number of short stories. As well as some novels. Blade Runner, Total Recall, and A Scanner Darkly are all movies based on his work.

7 Toothbrush washes his hair with Colgate.
He’s never been seen in the same room as Batman. He may have had a harrowing experience in his youth. He’s not all that concerned with Kant’s Categorical Imperative. He once fronted a David Bowie cover band. Rather than covering David Bowie songs, they did other songs in the style of David Bowie. His favorite album is Gunga Din by Frank Sinatra.

8 This is the Triangle of Hope.

9 See? Toothbrush once robbed a convenience store.
You have to watch the slideshow to get the full effect.

10 The current incarnation of Toothbrush is comprised of 1 body, 3 sets of eyes, 4 arms, and 4 beaks. This allows for a veritable cornucopia of poses and expressions. This is what he looked like before being assembled:

11 I hope you enjoyed viewing this slideshow as much as I did making it.

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