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‘Tushinde’ (too-shin-dee) Swahili for ‘we are succeeding’

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Presentation on theme: "‘Tushinde’ (too-shin-dee) Swahili for ‘we are succeeding’"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Tushinde’ (too-shin-dee) Swahili for ‘we are succeeding’

2 Where We Work

3 Slums

4 Mathare Slums. Home to almost half a million people in less that six square miles. Over 60% 0f the population are under sixteen. Unemployment is about 80%

5 Rubbish in the slums piles up where children play

6 There is no sanitation, so people use plastic bags, which they throw out on to the streets.

7 Malnutrition. Malnutrition is when you don’ t have enough food to eat to grow and stay healthy and to help you recover from disease. In the UK only a tiny number of children are underweight, but where we work, 1 in four children are underweight

8 Making life better

9 How can you help? Pen Recycling!
We have started a scheme where you can collect your old pens, felt tips, markers, sharpies, and biros that no longer work and they can be used to raise money. If you can collect 20 broken pens, that will raise enough money to buy a hungry child a filling breakfast. The more pens you collect, the more children we can help.

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