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Heritage Branch Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture Bill Hicks

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1 Heritage Branch Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture Bill Hicks
Director, Heritage Branch October 2015


3 Element of the 2014-2019 Cultural Policy
Direction 3: Creating, Conserving and Celebrating our Heritage Goal 3.1: Cultural Resource Leadership As in the original policy, there are Four Directions, each with their own objectives and key actions items (over 100 in all): Culture in Everyday Life; Education, lifelong learning, access/awareness, social development Artists, Arts Organizations and Cultural Professionals; basically, the human and technical infrastructure needed to support the sector Creating, Conserving and Celebrating our Heritage; Natural, built heritage, heritage assets and organizations Culture and the Economy; economic impact of culture, training, cultural industries and infrastructure needed for continued growth, cultural tourism PHOTO: NBYO – Sistema; Children practicing for the Sistema NB – Tobique First Nation final conert at Mah-Sos school, Tobique, May

4 Key Actions Develop and implement a values-based approach for the stewardship of provincially owned heritage buildings and properties. Review New Brunswick’s Heritage Conservation Act to gauge its effectiveness as a fundamental tool in the conservation and commemoration of tangible and intangible heritage resources. Inform and promote to the public about the value of paleontological, archaeological, and built heritage resources and requirements under the Heritage Conservation Act.

5 Key Actions Optimize the New Brunswick Register of Historic Places to document, hold and disseminate information on heritage places in New Brunswick and as a tool for communities to build awareness of their heritage resources. Endorse and promote to municipalities, the heritage sector and individuals the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada as the best practices approach to heritage conservation. Review and, if required, revise criteria for existing provincial heritage incentive programs to increase applicability and uptake as well as to identify gaps and opportunities in the incentive regime.

6 Key Actions Implement agreements and initiatives with First Nations and First Nations organizations regarding heritage resources to strengthen ongoing partnerships in conservation and recognition. Identify and address funding, infrastructure and renewal needs of key cultural institutions in the province. Develop and implement a cross government cultural collections policy and management approach.

7 Key Actions Review the collections and stories held by key cultural institutions holistically to identify gaps and develop approaches to address these gaps. Engage the heritage sector in identifying a mechanism to advise government and raise awareness for built heritage issues. Maintain and improve approaches to funding programs for community museums, collections-based institutions of regional significance and historical societies to meet the demands of the digital age and to further enhance the community museum network.

8 Key Actions Develop and implement a formalized and inclusive approach to the commemoration and celebration of significant historical events including the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017. Strengthen heritage resources impact assessment processes in Environmental Impact Assessment and planning exercises. Develop an approach to conservation of religious built heritage in the province. Improve online access to New Brunswick’s cultural resources.

9 Conservation Programs
Built Heritage Conservation Grant Property Tax Abatement Program Community Cultural Places Program

10 Built Heritage Conservation Grant
Program directed at conservation-related aspects of built heritage preservation projects. Eligibility: Non-profit organisations Municipalities Exceptions: village, town or city halls active church buildings and cemetery restorations McAdam Railway Station McAdam

11 Built Heritage Conservation Grant
2 components: A: will contribute up to 75%, to a maximum of $5,000 per project, for specialized design, engineering and/or conservation expertise for conservation related aspects. B: will contribute up to 50%, to a maximum of $30,000 per project, of the capital required for conservation related aspects. McAdam Railway Station McAdam In , the program supported 16 built heritage rehabilitation projects for an amount of $266,122. These projects have helped generated an investment of $1,162,771 in funds from other sources.

12 Property Tax Abatement Program
Incentive for the restoration of historic properties with a view to conserving their heritage value. Eligibility: Listed in the New Brunswick Register of Historic Places National Historic Sites under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act (Canada). CentreBeam Place, Saint John

13 Property Tax Abatement Program
Projects with construction costs of at least $100,000, or 20% of the current assessed value. CentreBeam Place, Saint John At least 75% of the finished floor area of the historic property shall not be eligible for the Provincial Residential Property Tax Credit (i.e. primary residence). Must adhere to the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.

14 Community Cultural Places Program
Community based projects that re- purpose, restore or renovate important community heritage places to create community cultural infrastructure are eligible. Completed projects will provide cultural venues that bring together community arts and heritage resources. Proponents can be community groups (duly incorporated not for profits, or municipalities). Loomcrofters Studio, Gagetown

15 Community Cultural Places Program
This program will contribute 75% of project cost up to a maximum of $75,000.  Appropriate in-kind contributions may be considered. In , the program supported 5 projects for an amount of $293,500. These projects have generated an investment of $134,045 in funds from other sources. Loomcrofters Studio, Gagetown

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