Edmonton Presbytery Meeting – March 28, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Edmonton Presbytery Meeting – March 28, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Edmonton Presbytery Meeting – March 28, 2017
Edmonton Presbytery Meeting – March 28, Kirk United Church Centre, Ave NW Edmonton Presbytery Office Edmonton Presbytery Ave NW Edmonton AB T5L 2V7

2 Sign In for Presbyters, Visitors & Newcomers
For attendance recording, please remember to sign in. (Initials next to name on sign-in sheets at table) Guests & Newcomers please sign the Visitor sign-in Sheet. Thank you

3 No Regrets for Presbytery Meetings
Did you know that your regrets are no longer recorded in the Presbytery minutes? That’s correct! This will save you a phone call or an if you cannot attend!

4 WRITTEN MOTIONS Motions must be clear and concise for recording in the official record. When making a motion at a Presbytery or Council meeting, please write it down and forward it to Nancy Kerr or Sally-Anne Woolnough.

5 News from Congregations and Teams
We ask that everyone presenting events or news please have a written or typed copy to leave with the Recording Secretary and the end of your announcement when leaving the stage. This makes for more accurate reporting of you event dates, times, locations and other important details. Thank you.

6 Presbytery Office Hours
Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fri - Sun & Stat Holidays: Office Closed To Reach administration or Intercultural Ministry please call To reach Wilson MacLennan call

7 PRESBYTERY MATTERS! Watch For: Edmonton Presbytery Meeting Notes in “Presbytery Matters” from Stuart Jackson and the Communications Committee Use them to inform your congregation of what happened at the Presbytery Meeting!

8 Presbytery News & Events
s are sent to Edmonton Presbyters and/or congregations to advertise events going on, in and around Edmonton Presbytery. Or go to or

9 How to Get Your Event Listed
Submit your event by the Tuesday prior to an evening meeting or by the Monday prior to an all-day meeting to the presbytery office: We make every effort to get your announcements listed.

10 PRESBYTERY WEBSITE Go To: Did you know that each Committee can appoint their very own page minder to keep their section of the website up-to-date? Interested in training sessions for your committee page minders ..…talk to Stuart Jackson! OR Watch for training sessions………………….

11 Kirk United Church Centre
Many Thanks to Kirk United Church Centre For hosting Tonight’s meeting

12 Presbytery Meeting Sites Appeal
The 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 schedules are posted to our website under meetings. We still need one meeting location for the 2016/2017 year (June), and many dates open for the 2017/18 schedule. Please speak to Sally-Anne or call the office if you would like to volunteer to host one. Thanks to all!

13 For Conference News Go to: http://albertanorthwestconference.ca/news/
•  Join the United Church's Global Pilgrimage: Kenya 2017

14 Putting Some Salt and Light Into Your Congregational Giving Program 2016/17
Everything you need to develop your congregational giving program before the end of the year is available in the Salt and Light package you received this summer. More resources are available on our website: Questions? Need more copies? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help! You can reach us at , ext. 4029, or us at

15 St. Stephen’s College Explore. Create. Transform. Check for information, events and registration at the College by visiting their website: St. Stephen’s is now inviting applications for the Position of Principal and Dean commencing July 1, Questions and applications, by only, should be directed to

16 Check for Training Online
Distant Learning for Church Leaders

17 To check out our news and events go to:
Please tell others within your congregation so that we can walk together & continue to build a vibrant intercultural ministry!

18 English-as-a-Second-Language
Spring Session for Intermediate level Students Classes are held Monday and Wednesday morning 9am-12pm (noon) April 10 – June 24, 2017 St. Paul’s United Church, Ave NW Please Contact: IM Facilitator: YoonOk Shin at or Wayne Youngward at

19 The ESL Working Group Edmonton Presbytery Inter-Cultural Ministry Committee, is seeking on an on-going basis volunteer teachers of English-as-a-second-language. No experience or training is necessary. Classes are held Mondays and Wednesdays Our next spring session will take place from April 10 – June 24, 2017 St. Paul’s United Church, Ave NW Please Contact: IM Facilitator: YoonOk Shin at or Wayne Youngward at

20 Position vacancies Edmonton Presbytery February 2017 COUNCIL: Chairperson 1 Order of Ministry PROPERTY AND FINANCE: Need at least two new members, (Prefer at least one be someone younger) FAITH FORMATION: Need someone with Tech expertise PARTNERS IN MINISTRY: Team lead Chairperson for Outreach Ministries    EDMONTON DISTRICT COUNCIL CHURCH: 1 female lay person who can meet at noon approximately 6 times per year Presbytery Representative to Leadership Resource Development Committee: One person. Presbytery Representative for the local arrangements committee for the ANW Conference Inter-Cultural Ministries Event Oct. 2017: At Least one person.

21 Business Manager - Robertson-Wesley United Church
Position Title: Business Manager Part-Time: 24 hours/week (8hrs/day, 3days/week) Location: Roberson-Wesley United Church Reporting: Treasurer/Finance committee, supported by Ministry & Personnel Committee Deadline: March 24, 2017 For more information and to submit a resume, please contact the Ministry & Personnel chair (Lisa) at


23 Earth Hour is Saturday, March 25, at 8:30–9:30 p.m. local time
The Roman Catholic–United Church Dialogue invites you and your community of faith to observe Earth Hour on Saturday, March 25, at 8:30–9:30 p.m. local time. This vigil is an opportunity to join with others around the world in the ancient practice of evening prayers and in the new practice of pausing together to recognize Earth Hour. The purpose of this hour is to celebrate creation while committing to compassionate action for its well-being. Find out more about Earth Hour, organized by the World Wildlife Fund. 

24 Lent Hour Concerts at Robertson-Wesley
Roberson Wesley United Church ( Street) is hosting a noon-hour concert series this Lent, for 5 Thursday in March and April. 12:10 – 12:50 Admission by free will offering Thursdays in March and April. March 30 – Erik Reinhart, organ April 6, Alison Grant-Preville, flute & Jeanne Yang, keyboards


26 Touched By Murder  Registration Opened February 23, Register online at  Early Bird fee until April 27, 2017 is $250 (includes two full day sessions, breakfasts and lunches). Registration Fee from April 27 to May is $ For more details click here.

27 Jazz and Reflections An afternoon of jazz and spiritual reflection. Sunday Afternoons from 3:30-5pm at Ottewell UC, A Ave, Edmonton, April 2, Allen Jacobson Trio April 9, PJ Perry Quartet April 23, Mallory Chipman Trio April 30, Don Berner & Charlie Austin May 7, Kent Sangster Quartet Admission by Donation at the door.





32 Next Meeting of Edmonton Presbytery
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 Time: 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Place: Kirk United Church Centre Ave NW

33 for attending tonight’s meeting. See you in May!

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