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Doctor who trivia (2005-present)

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1 Doctor who trivia (2005-present)

2 1. What planet are the slitheen from?

3 2. Which company began making cybermen?

4 3. How was the krafayis seen by Vincent van Gogh different from the others?

5 4. How many psychiatrists did Amelia pond bite?

6 5. In what year did John Smith play The Master?

7 6. When Rory Williams first meets The Doctor, what’s his profession?

8 7. In ‘tooth and claw’ the tenth doctor claims to be from which town?

9 8.In the episode ‘blink’, how many DVDs did the tenth doctor hide Easter eggs in?

10 9. Which Doctor Who episode did Peter Capaldi first appear in?

11 10. Which revolting creature was clinging to the ceiling of floor 500?

12 11. In ‘the almost people’, what substance were gangers made from?

13 12. Who says ‘you are not alone’ to the doctor?

14 13. Complete the story title: ‘Angels in _________’?

15 14. What year is it when the doctor meets queen Victoria and a werewolf in Scotland?

16 15.What alien technology turned people into gas-masked zombies in ‘The empty child’?

17 16. In what year was ‘bowie base one’ set up on mars?

18 17. What is the monster called in ‘love and monsters’?

19 18. In what year did the flood infiltrate bowie base one?

20 19. What is the dalek’s home world called?

21 20. What happens when you look away from the silence?

22 21. When can a weeping angel move?

23 22. Which school does Clara Oswald work at?

24 23. In what episode does river song ‘die’?

25 24. Peter Capaldi plays which generation of The Doctor?

26 25.What does ‘TARDIS’ stand for?

27 26. What type is the doctors TARDIS?

28 27. What is rose’s mother called?

29 28. Complete the STORY title: ‘A town called _____’

30 29. How many episodes does ‘the war doctor’ appear in?

31 30. What is starship UK carried on the back of?

32 31. How tall are the silence?

33 32. What first appeared in the episode ‘blink’?

34 33. What does ‘ATMOS’ stand for?

35 34. At what age did Gallifreyan children leave their families to enter ‘the academy’?

36 35. How long did the empress of the Racnoss hibernate for?

37 36. On what planet do Abzorbaloffs originate from?

38 37. What’s on level 3 of ‘the royal hope trust’, the hospital that got stuck on the moon?

39 38. Recite dalek caan’s prophecy.

40 39. What are Daleks made of?

41 40. Complete the quote: “If your ood is happy, ____ ___’__ __ _____

42 41. Which alien race was the Jagrafess working for?

43 42. Which legendary creature of evil was imprisoned beneath Krop Tor?

44 43. Which ward was the Doctor summoned to to meet ‘the face of boe’?

45 44. Which floor on satellite five did the Tardis land on?

46 45. Who played Frank in ‘Daleks in manhattan?

47 46. Who ran the company known as ‘LazLabs’?

48 47. What does ‘nnypd’ stand for?

49 48. Which planet was often referred to as ‘The Shining World of the Seven Systems’?

50 49. What are the ‘vashta Nerada’?

51 50. WHAT IS THE fifty year special called?

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