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Term 2: Lesson 7 Lent What am I trying to do?

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Presentation on theme: "Term 2: Lesson 7 Lent What am I trying to do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Term 2: Lesson 7 Lent What am I trying to do?
Offer the children an opportunity to explore the origins of Lent as a journey towards Easter and Baptism Why? So that they might engage more meaningfully with this liturgical season.

2 A Time of Preparation In the early church it took three years of preparation for an adult to become a Christian.

3 Adults who decided to become Christians were really like people standing on the threshold between two worlds: their old life and their Christian future or new life.

4 Catechumens The people who were preparing to become Christian were given a special title. They were called catechumens.

5 After three years of preparation they began the final time of preparation for their Baptism, which would take place at Easter. This stage lasted for forty days. They fasted and prayed following the example Jesus in the desert.

6 They learned about the bible, beliefs and the way of life of the Church. They spent time getting to know the local Christian community. This special time of shared prayer, faith and fasting became known as Lent.

7 Lent The word Lent means spring; a time of new life.
This is a suitable time to celebrate Easter the time of new life in Christ.

8 The catechumens learned to:
Fast Pray Repent Celebrate Live their faith within their own local community Think about their faith

9 At Easter they were Baptised.

10 Nowadays, thousands of adults are baptised every year at Easter
Nowadays, thousands of adults are baptised every year at Easter. These modern catechumens follow a period of preparation very like that followed in the early church.

11 As we make the forty days’ journey of Lent,
we have the opportunity to prepare, like the catechumens, for Easter by: Praying Fasting Turning away from sin Showing our concern for those in need Doing without things that are holding us back Sharing God’s love

12 Bible Search Acts 2:43-47 Matthew 4:1-11 Luke 4:1-13 Acts 4:32-37

13 Allocate one of the Bible search passages to each group in the class.
Read the passage quietly. Discuss what it is about who is in it what is happening

14 2. Read the same passage a second time considering what the message or challenge is For the people/person concerned. Discuss.

15 3. Read the same passage a third time
3. Read the same passage a third time. This time, accept that what we hear and read in the Bible is God’s living Word for us today. What message is God delivering to you through the passage? Discuss.

16 Keeping a Lenten Journal
See teacher’s manual, page 165.

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