Mr. Meester AP European History Pages

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1 Mr. Meester AP European History Pages 342-350
Age of Discovery Mr. Meester AP European History Pages

2 Routes of Exploration

3 Exploration & the Renaissance
Explorers were inspired by the Renaissance spirit of individualism & curiosity Ancient writings renewed knowledge in math, astronomy, & geography

4 The Portuguese Almost 80 years before Columbus, Prince Henry the Navigator would start the Age of Discovery Portugal pursued exploration for both economic and religious reasons Focused on Africa and later South America Bartholomew Dias Vasco da Gama Pedro Cabral

5 The Spanish Spanish exploration began Christopher Columbus’s voyage to “Asia” (Not really, but he tried) There were several reasons for his mistake Spain then focused their efforts on the newly discovered continent Amerigo Vespucci Ferdinand Magellan The Spanish tended to be very warlike in their approach to exploration Established Europe’s largest empire of the time

6 The Columbian Exchange
New World to Old World Old World to New World Crops: Potatoes, Corn, Tobacco, Vanilla, Chocolate, & Peanuts Animals: Turkeys Disease: Syphilis Crops: Coffee, Sugar, Wheat, & Rice Animals: Horses, Cows, Sheep, Chickens Disease: Smallpox & Measles People: European Colonists, African Slaves

7 Cortes & the Aztecs In the early 1500s the Aztecs ruled central Mexico
1519, Hernan Cortes landed in Mexico with 500 men Defeated Montezuma and declared the land as New Spain

8 Pizarro & the Inca The dominate civilization in South America was the Inca 1532, Francisco Pizarro lands with 200 men Captured Incan leader Atahualpa

9 Catholics in America Catholic priest accompanied the early conquistadores Early conflict between Spanish leaders and priests Bartolome de Las Casa “The Black Legend” Later the church as an institution became interested in maintaining the status quo

10 The Economy of Exploitation
Mining was an early source of revenue Agriculture was also important Haciendas West Indies Slavery and forced labor was common in the Americas Encomienda Debt Peonage African Slaves

11 Impact on Europe Intellectual Questioning Economic Change
Wisdom of the Ancients Treatment of Native People & Slaves Economic Change New trade routes Increased amount of precious metals Beginnings of Capitalism Social Division

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