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Biological Treatments for OCD

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Treatments for OCD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Treatments for OCD

2 Neurons and synaptic transmission

3 Synaptic transmission
Neuron sending the chemical signal (presynaptic neuron) Chemicals being released into the synapse Neuron picking up the chemical signal (post-synaptic neuron) Electrical impulse Synapse Receptors

4 SSRI Mechanism

5 How do SSRIs work? Using this picture, write down an explanation of how SSRI’s work

6 Drug therapies: outline
SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)-type of antidepressant which prevent the reabsorption and break down of serotonin Increases level of serotonin in the synapse and decrease depressive symptoms SSRI = Fluoxetine= Prozac (brand name) Tricyclics - have the same affect as SSRI’s but have much worse side effects so only used if the above do not work. SNRI’s- newly developed anti depressant that increase serotonin and noradrenaline. Drugs are often used alongside CBT or other treatments.

7 Evaluating Chemotherapy: “Issues Surrounding Its Use”
“Effectiveness”: How well does the drug treat what it is designed to treat? “Appropriateness”: Do the drugs work in the long term? Do they work due to psychological factors? Are there ethical issues associated with their use? Complete a spider-diagram on MWBs of issues surrounding the use of drug therapy

8 SSRIs – An Effective Treatment for OCD?
SSRI’s significantly reduce symptoms in around 70% of patients (Sansone 2011). This means that alternative treatments are needed for the remaining 30%. Bogetto et al (2000) trialled a drug called Olanzapine with 23 patients who had not responded to SSRI’s. 10 of these patients responded to the Olanzapine. The mean symptom rating improved on the Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsion Scale.

9 Are Drug Treatments Appropriate?
SSRIs – An Appropriate Treatment for OCD? Using whiteboards, spider-diagram whether drug therapy is appropriate. Aim for 6 points. For each point, then include a ‘BUT’ as a counter evaluation in a different colour. E.g: BUT… reducing symptoms is an effective treatment. It may also allow sufferers to engage with other therapies more effectively e.g. CBT if symptoms are reduced Only treat symptoms not the cause? i.e. don’t provide a cure Are Drug Treatments Appropriate?

10 Are Drug Treatments Appropriate?
SSRIs – An Appropriate Treatment for OCD? Economic implications Only treat symptoms not the cause? i.e. don’t provide a cure No blame attached Minimal effort = ‘Take Pill, Get Better’ Are Drug Treatments Appropriate? Can cause side effects Rely on patient taking them Can lead to dependency Not suitable for all ages e.g. children Placebo effects?

11 Effectiveness

12 Appropriateness

13 Happy Christmas! Homework…
Consolidate notes and revise for a tracking test on everything from Two process-model (Phobias) SD, Flooding Cognitive approach to Depression Treating Depression OCD – biological causes and treatments

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