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Junior Meats Evaluation and Technology

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1 Junior Meats Evaluation and Technology
Career Development Event Billy Moss and Rachel Postin GA Ag Ed Curriculum Office To accompany Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Lesson July 2001

2 Purpose The Meats Evaluation and Technology CDE is designed to provide a competitive event for agriculture education students, develop employment skills in the meat animal industry, expand their knowledge of meat animal marketing and merchandising, develop broader analytical skills and critical thinking strategies, and develop an understanding of appropriate meat terminology. The event also develops the ability to evaluate meat animal products in order to optimize economic returns to producers and industry as well as meet the needs of the consumer.

3 Eligibility Each participant must be a FFA member in grades 6-9
9th Grade is a Swing Grade and may compete in either Junior or Senior Contest Must have a Supervised Agriculture Experience

4 Rules and Guidelines Teams consist of a maximum of 4 members
Top 3 scores count Participants are assigned to a group and should remain with that group throughout the event No talking is allowed during the event Participants must come prepared to work in a cold storage facility Warm clothing and footwear are required Each participant must bring a clean, note free clipboard and pencils. Non-programmable calculator may be used No measuring gadgets may be used

5 Activities

6 Meat Formulation Problem Solving
Students are given a situational problem involving selection of ingredients on a quality and lean cost basis to determine the formulation. There will be five questions regarding quality factors such as: storage temperature, government regulations, and freshness

7 Written Test Each participant will be given a written test of twenty multiple choice questions taken from the Yellow Pages- Answers to Predictable Questions Consumers Ask About Meat. No questions will be taken from the Glossary of Better Known Sausages and Prepared Meats or from cooking charts.

8 Retail Meat Cut Identification
Students identify 40 retail meats cuts from the “Meats Identification Card” Helpful Websites:

9 Can you identify these Retail Cuts?

10 Beef Quality and Yield Grading
Participants will quality and yield grade a maximum of 4 beef carcasses or rib steaks



13 Class Placings Participants will evaluate and place a maximum of five classes from Beef and Pork Carcasses Wholesale Beef and Pork Carcasses Retail Beef, Pork, and Lamb Cuts


15 Questions on Placing Classes
Participants will answer questions covering 2 classes.

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