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Earth in our solar system

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1 Earth in our solar system
Resources for Primary Publishing

2 contents Distance from the sun [click to go]
Which way the Earth spins [click to go] A family of planets [click to go] The ISS route [click to go] Planets inside layer 1 [click to go] Planets inside layer 2 [click to go] Planets outside layer 1 [click to go] Planets outside layer 2 [click to go]

3 Which way does earth spin?
The Earth spins Counter-clockwise as by who gets daylight first.

4 Earth’s distance from the sun
The Sun is million km away from Earth. The Earths perimeter is 6,371 km.

5 A family of planets There are two groups of planets.
The four planets nearest are all balls of rock. He other four planets are much bigger and are made of gas and liquid. Pluto, the dwarf planet is a solid ball of ice. Inner Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Outer planets Jupiter Saturn Neptune Uranus

6 The iss route The ISS usually takes around 90 minutes to orbit the Earth

7 Planets-Inside layer Venus Mercury
Mercury is the smallest planet. It has no atmosphere. Venus is the hottest planet! Venus has poisonous clouds with Acid that could burn your skin!

8 Planets-Inside layer Earth Mars
Mars is one of the closest planets to us. Nothing grows there and it is covered in dust and rocks. Earth is the only planet with life on! Millions of rocks crash into Earth as it speeds through space

9 Planets-Outside layer
Jupiter Saturn Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar system Jupiter has no solid surface. Saturn is an enormous gas giant! The shining rings round Saturn are made of chunks of ice

10 Planets-Outside layer
Neptune Uranus Neptune is an icy planet because it is so far away from the sun. Neptune has bright blue clouds! Uranus has 11 thin dark rings and it spins on its side

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