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1 Cells

2 What are you made of? Ancient Greeks thought everything was made of four substances: Earth Air Fire Water

3 Evolved approx. 3.8 BYA from coacervates Prokaryotes are 1st cells
Cell Evolution Evolved approx. 3.8 BYA from coacervates Prokaryotes are 1st cells SIMPLE cells, unicellular bacteria Through endosymbiosis, formed Eukaryotic cells about 2 billion years later (1.5 BYA) COMPLEX, uni & multicellular organisms that are NOT bacteria

4 Cell Study Cytology – study of cells Microscopes Blenders & centrifuge

5 Discovery of the Cell Robert Hooke (1665) First to observe cells
Looked at cork Named for the “cells” where monks slept

6 Discovery of the Cell Leeuwenhoek Schleiden Virchow

7 Cell Theory Accumulation of years of examination and research gave us this theory: All living things are made up of one or more cells Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things Cells come only from other cells

8 2 cell types Prokaryote Eukaryote


10 Cell Structure Cell structure relates to cell function


12 What parts do ALL cells have in common?
Outer covering “Stuff” inside DNA for directions

13 Cell Membrane Surrounds the cell Made of lipids and proteins Living
Jobs Protection Support/shape Controls what enters/exits Homeostasis


15 Cell Wall Surrounds some cells Plants and bacteria Not living
Made of cellulose Jobs Support Allows plants to live without skeleton Protection

16 Nucleus Holds the DNA on chromosomes Control center of the cell
All cell activities Surrounded by the nuclear membrane Contains nucleolus Make ribosomes  make proteins

17 Nucleus

18 Cytoplasm Fills space inside the cell
Where most life processes take place metabolism

19 Eukaryotes & organelles
Membrane bound “little organs” Organelles “organize” the cell Divide up the duties Allow for specialization More efficient cells

20 Mitochondria Provide energy for the cell
Break down glucose  ATP energy through cellular respiration “Powerhouse” of the cell “Mighty mitochondria”

21 Plastids Chloroplast Other plastids Filled with chlorophll
sun’s energy is converted into glucose during photosynthesis Other plastids Storage of pigments and food chromoplasts store colors of the fall leaves                                                                                                                                                                                                             

22 Vacuole Liquid filled space Holds wastes and toxins
Large in plant cells “Storage Bins”

23 Lysosome Contains digestive enzymes
Breaks down waste into elements for re-use Jobs – “recycling center”

24 Ribosomes Make proteins Some found on the ER Jobs – “final product”
of cell

25 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Tubes and canals that move materials around in the cell Rough or smooth “Cellular Highway” system

26 Golgi Apparatus (body)
                                                                              Final processing and packaging center for proteins made in the cell “UPS or Post Office”

27 Centrioles & Microtubules
Give cell structure “Cytoskeleton” Involved in animal cell reproduction

28 Compare Animal & Plant cell
Animal cells No cell wall Few, small vacuoles Nucleus centered centrioles No plastids Plant cells Cell wall Large central vacuole Nucleus pushed to side No centrioles Plastids Chlorophyll, other pigments


30 Differentiation Stem cells are “blank cells” – templates for all other cells Differentiation How cells use DNA directions to become different Nerve cell, eye cell, skin cell, etc.

31 Organization in Living Things
Multicellular organisms have billions of cells Tissues Organs Organ system Organism

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