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By: Shariah Finsterbush

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1 By: Shariah Finsterbush
Imhotep By: Shariah Finsterbush

2 Imhotep Imhotep was one of very few kings to be depicted as part of a pharaoh's statue He was one of only a few commoners ever to be accorded divine status after death. He serverd a the third dynasty king He was known as the one that comes in peace

3 B.C - Born in Born in Memphis, Egypt - He became a priest of the sun god Ra, as well as an architect, astronomer, physician, and Pharaoh Djoer’s top adviser on matters of agriculture, finance, law and the military

4 Architect Imhotep bulit a pyramid This pyramid was the first structure ever built of cut stone, and is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the World, the seven structures of the ancient world that were astonishing accomplishments in their time .It took 20 years to finish

5 Physician - As a god of medicine, Imhotep was belived as a curer of everyday problems who could provide remedies for all diseases.

6 Achievements and inventions
He invented then papyus scroll

7 Death The location of Imhotep's tomb was well hidden from the beginning and it remains unknown, people are still looking for the tomb today

8 Imhotep

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