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Simile or metaphor? Your challenge today is to recognise the difference between a simile and a metaphor, can you do it?

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Presentation on theme: "Simile or metaphor? Your challenge today is to recognise the difference between a simile and a metaphor, can you do it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Simile or metaphor? Your challenge today is to recognise the difference between a simile and a metaphor, can you do it?

2 A simile is where two things are directly compared, and “as” or “like” is usually used to compare.
For example: As cold as a dog’s nose. He was slow like a snail.

3 A metaphor also compares two things, but it does it more directly without using “as” or “like”.
For Example: The shop was a little gold mine.

4 Lets see how clever you are
Lets see how clever you are! Do you think you are clever enough to be able to tell me if these following sentences use a simile or a metaphor? We shall see!

5 As slippery as an eel. Simile Metaphor

6 He was a lion in battle. Simile Metaphor

7 She is as pretty as a picture.
Simile Metaphor

8 The clouds were fluffy like cotton wool.
Simile Metaphor

9 The striker was a goal machine.
Simile Metaphor

10 Now lets listen to a poem and see if we can find the metaphors and similes in the poem. Listen to the poem

11 Read each poem excerpt. Underline the comparative phrase, and tell whether this comparison is a simile or a metaphor.

12 The Base Stealer (by Robert Francis) Poised between going on and back, pulled Both ways taut like a tightrope-walker…

13 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud (by William Wordsworth) I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills…

14 Hope is the Thing with Feathers (by Emily Dickinson) “Hope” is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul— And sings the tune without the words— And never stops—at all…

15 Write 5 different similes about yourself
Write 5 different similes about yourself. Here is one example: When it’s time for dinner, I’m as hungry as a tiger! Then, change your similes into metaphors. Your example might look like this: Last night at dinner, I was a tiger attacking my food!

16 Great work Here is your next challenge:
To write a poem about a hobby using at least one simile and metaphor. Do you think you are up to the challenge? REMEMBER to think carefully before you begin writing!

17 Well done you are correct

18 Sorry you are wrong, try again.

19 Well done you are correct

20 Sorry you are wrong, try again.

21 Well done you are correct

22 Sorry you are wrong, try again.

23 Well done you are correct

24 Sorry you are wrong, try again.

25 Well done you are correct

26 Sorry you are wrong, try again.

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