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Transparency 9A Note increase in height, weight, thickening of the musculature, broadening of the shoulders, development of body hair Facial hair, underarm,

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Presentation on theme: "Transparency 9A Note increase in height, weight, thickening of the musculature, broadening of the shoulders, development of body hair Facial hair, underarm,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transparency 9A Note increase in height, weight, thickening of the musculature, broadening of the shoulders, development of body hair Facial hair, underarm, chest hair, pubic hair Change in skin tone, maturing of the reproductive system

2 Parts of the Male Reproductive System - Transparency 9B
Penis - Male sex organ. It is used for sexual intercourse Made up of spongy tissue Used for elimination of urine from the body - Highly sensitive end or head of penis is called the GLANS

3 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Erection - When the penis increases and size and becomes upright and stiff - During Puberty erections can be causes by: - Sexual stimulation - Nocturnal emissions - Waking up with a full bladder - No reason at all

4 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Ejaculation - The release of semen from the penis

5 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Semen - The fluid expelled from the body during ejaculation - It contains millions of sperm in a fluid that contains nutrients for the sperm

6 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Seminal Vesicles - Glands that produce the fluid (semen) to carry the sperm out of the male’s body

7 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Testes (Testicles) - This is where the sperm cells and the male hormone, TESTOTERONE, are produced - The testes are located in the scrotum - Produce Testosterone which triggers puberty

8 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Scrotum - The pouch or sac of skin which contains the testicles - Keep temperature in the testes is 6 degrees below body temperature, the best temperature for producing sperm

9 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Epididymus - The place where sperm mature and are stored

10 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Sperm - The male sex cells which are capable of fertilizing and egg million could fit on the head of a pin - Testicles can produce more than 200 million or more sperm cells a day - Can live up to 6-8 hours in the vagina, once they enter the uterus and fallopian tubes they can live up to 3-5 days

11 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Vas Deferens - The two tubes through which sperm travel after leaving the epididymis on their way to the urethra

12 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Urethra - The tube that runs through the penis through which urine and semen leaves the body (ejaculation) - A valve at the entrance to the bladder prevents urine from entering the urethra

13 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Prostate Gland - A gland that secretes a clear fluid which makes up about 1/3 of the fluid in an ejaculation - The fluid from the prostate provides nourishment to the sperm on their journey through the female reproductive tract

14 Parts of the Male Reproductive System
Cowpers Gland - Glands that produce a clear sticky fluid when male is sexually excited - Pre-ejaculation fluid

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