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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

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1 The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership
John C. Maxwell (2007) Interpreted by Dr. Rich Hawkins

2 Creative Tension causes growth which results in change!
Growth = Change

3 Maxwell’s take is a tad too linear for my liking
Maxwell’s take is a tad too linear for my liking. Also, it appears to be very leader centric but it really isn’t of you read his works. I prefer a more organic, collaborative approach to leadership. I have infused my tattoos throughout as another point of view or to clarify his meanings. All said, there is still much to be learned and considered by reading this book.

4 The Law of the Lid “Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness” If you are at level 8, the highest your organization can go is 7. Think the McDonald brothers and Ray Kwoc

5 The Law of Influence “The true measure of leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.” Think the three R’s and the three C’s “Abraham Lincoln started with the rank of captain, but by the time the war was over, he was a private” You are not a leaders unless you have followers!

6 The Law of Process “Leadership develops daily, not on a day”
RJH: Leadership is a marathon , not a sprint” No one becomes a great leader overnight. Everyday is another opportunity to excel! Does your daily routine support your development as a leader? Do you keep your mind and body in shape. Are you a reader? Inquisitive? A learner?? British historian Hugh Brogan described Teddy Roosevelt as “the ablest man to sit in the White House since Lincoln; the most vigorous since Jackson; the most bookish since John Quincy Adams.”

7 The Law of Navigation “Anyone can steer a ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.” RJH: Common understanding precedes Vision “A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do.” –Leroy Eims P.L.A.N.A.H.E.A.D

8 P.L.A.N.A.H.E.A.D Predetermine your course of action
Lay out your goals Adjust your priorities Notify (engage) key personnel Allow time for acceptance (dialogue) Head into Action Expect (anticipate) problems Always point to success Daily review your planning

9 The Law of Addition “ Leaders add value by serving others”
This is the kind who is CEO of a Fortune 500 company who “works on a folding table, answers his own phone, visits hourly employees as often as possible, and is critized by Wall Street for being too good to his employees.” This leader gets the law of addition! Treat everyone with dignity and respect We call this a “servant leader.”

10 The Law of Solid Ground “Trust is the foundation of leadership. It is the glue that holds an organization together. Leaders cannot repeatedly break trust with people and continue to influence them. It just doesn’t happen.” Honestly and transparency matter! You lead people, not schools!

11 The Law of Respect “People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.” Leaders work for respect, not “like.” You must prove yourself everyday. “Clarence B. Randall said, “The leader must know, must know he knows, and must be able to make it abundantly clear to those around him that he knows.” The leader must blow a “certain trumpet!” Strong leadership creates “alignment” within the organization

12 The Law of Intuition “Leaders evaluate everything with a leadership bias.” “Leaders look at everything differently than others do. They evaluate everything according to their leadership bias. They possess leadership intuition that informs everything they do. It is inseparable part of who they are. “Place kid’s first!”

13 The Law of Magnetism “Who you are is who you attract”
“Birds of a feather flock together” “Who is on your team is seldom determined by what you want, but more by who you are” If your passion is consistently evident you will attract person’s wh o share your passion.

14 The Law of Connection “Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand” Relationships, Relationships, Relationships You must always lead the head and the heart! Take care of those who do the work! Say please and thank you. Invite.

15 The Law of the Inner Circle
“A leaders potential is determined by those closest to him” “when we see any incredibly gifted person, it’s always tempting to believe that talent alone made him successful. To think that is to buy into a lie… Nobody does anything great alone.” “If you think I can run this place by myself, you’re nuts!” There is no I in team!

16 The Law of Empowerment “Only secure leaders give power to others”
“By becoming a secure leader who can give power away, you will make your organization more powerful.” RJH: Share power; don’t give it away! RJH: Beware the handoff!

17 The Law of the Picture “People do what people see”
RJH: Set a positive example always and model the behaviors you expect of others. If you fall off of the wagon, others will too. “Be the change you wish to see.” Ghandi

18 The Law of Buy-In “People buy into the leaders, then the vision.”
“People don’t at first follow worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote causes they can believe in. People buy into the leaders first, then the leaders vision.” RJH: “The leader must move the organization’s perception of change from cynicism to skepticism to ownership”

19 The Law of Victory “Leaders find a way for the team to win”
“…victorious leaders have one thing in common: they share an unwillingness to accept defeat.” RJH: Find a way or make a way. Failure is not an option! RJH: Design for mastery!

20 The Law of Big Mo “Momentum is a leaders best friend!”
RJH: “Think big, start small” RJH: “Build momentum by inviting the right people to be on the bus and teach them to be successful!” Deming: “You get the results for which you design.”

21 The Law of Priorities “Leaders understand that activity is not necessarily accomplishment.” “Never confuse activity with results” – Lou Gerstner, former CEO, IBM RJH: “Is it cute or does it count?” Deming: “Always measure what is important.” RJH: “Prioritize your goals by selecting only those that propel you toward your vision.”

22 The Law of Sacrifice “A leader must give up to go up.”
“Sacrifice is a constant in leadership. It is an ongoing process, not a one-time payment. And when leaders look back at their carreers, they recognize that there has always been a cost involved moving forward. Leaders who want continued success must live by the law of sacrifice.”

23 The Law of Timing “When to lead is as important as what to do and where you go” “When the stakes are high, the consequences of the law of timing are dramatic and immediate. Reading a situation and knowing what to do are not enough to make you succeed in leadership. If you want your organization…to move forward, you must pay attention to timing. Only the right action at the right time will bring success. Anything else exacts a high price.” RJH: “Readiness is the first step in enacting any change.” All change starts in the circle!

24 The Law of Explosive Growth
“To add growth, lead followers…To multiply (growth), lead leaders. RJH: “The primary job of leadership is to create new leaders!”

25 The Law of Legacy “A leaders lasting value is measured by succession”
“What do you want people to say about you at your funeral?” RJH: “A key to legacy is succession planning.”

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