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You’ve been told to write a conclusion for your essay, but “How do you write a concluding paragraph for an argumentative essay?”

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Presentation on theme: "You’ve been told to write a conclusion for your essay, but “How do you write a concluding paragraph for an argumentative essay?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 You’ve been told to write a conclusion for your essay, but “How do you write a concluding paragraph for an argumentative essay?”

2 In this lesson, you will draft a conclusion paragraph by quickly summarizing your argument presented and what would happen if the argument being made goes unnoticed.

3 Let’s review the steps for writing an essay
Let’s review the steps for writing an essay. (CUE and Read) So far, we’ve written the introduction and body paragraphs, so now we’ll need to draft the conclusion.

4 A well written essay should look like a diamond, with the end of the argument coming to a point. A common mistake that writers make is that they leave the argument wide open by not including a CONVINCING conclusion. This leaves the reader questioning the overall purpose of the essay AND WORSE—UNCONVINCED THAT YOUR THESIS IS TRUE.

5 Let’s look at the steps for creating a concluding paragraph for an argumentative essay. (CUE and Read)

6 I’m almost finished my essay and I have to write a conclusion, but (CUE) “How do I structure a concluding paragraph?” (CUE and Read Steps)

7 (CUE) How do I begin when writing my conclusion

8 Now that I have some information, I restate my thesis, but (CUE) How do I say my thesis again, but differently this time?” (CUE) As I look at my major claim, I need to think about how I can make the reader care about my thesis as I begin writing the conclusion. Let’s see, I know that there was a lot of evidence about students not eating the food and lunches being unhealthy. So, I’m going to combine those ideas and re-state my thesis as (CUE and Read)

9 Next, I’m going to have to recap my key points from my essay, but (CUE) “How do I re-state these points in my conclusion?” THIS IS MY LAST CHANCE TO CONVINCE MY READER THAT MY THESIS IS IMPORTANT AND CORRECT SO I WILL USE MORE EMOTION TO GRAB MY READER. Let me start with my first major points. so let me try Hmmm (Cue and Read) “There are not options” was my second major point. I know what has happened as a result of the lack of choice, so let me try (CUE and Read) I need to restate my final point Here I go! (Cue and Read) DID YOU SEE HOW I TOOK THE KEY EVIDENCE AND MADE CONVINCING SETNENCES BY USING WORDS LIKE ‘EVEN EXPERTS’, YUCK,

10 Last chance to convince the reader
Things to Consider What will happen? Last chance to convince the reader Call to Action The last step that I need to take in my conclusion is making a plea to the reader, but, (CUE) How do I create this final plea that will convince the reader? (CUE) Three things to consider when writing my plea are (CUE) WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF MY THESIS IS IGNORED-HMM . .. MANY KIDS WILL BE HUNGRY, CRANKY AND WORST OF ALL EATING UNHEALTHY FOOD! TO CONVINCE MY READER I MUST STATE THIS CLEARLY SO HE OR SHE UNDERSTANDS CAHNGE IS POSSIBLE AND NECESSARY. NOW THE LAST THING READ SHOULD LEAVE MY READER READY TO TAKE ACTION ON MY THESIS. THEN I WILL KNOW MY ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY IS WELL WRITTEN! So, let me try this (CUE). Ok, that is alright, but I know I can do better. Let’s see (CUE) Yes, I like that.

11 There is a lot of evidence that proves school lunches have to be fixed if they want to serve their purpose. Whenever students think about the cafeteria’s food, they can’t help but think, “Yuck!” Maybe students would want to eat the food if they were given a choice instead of being fed almost the same thing daily. Even experts say that when kids decide to eat the school lunches, the food is loaded with fat, calories, and salt. Students will continue to be unhappy, hungry, and unhealthy if efforts are not made to improve school lunches. Are you going to demand better food in your school?

12 Let’s recap the steps for creating a concluding paragraph.




16 LearnZillion Notes: --On the Extension Activities slide(s) you should describe 2-3 activities written with students as the audience (not teachers). Each extension activity should push the students a bit further with the lesson but in a different application or context. Each activity should be designed to take roughly minutes. Teachers will likely display the slide in class and then assign an activity to a student or group for additional practice and differentiation. Ideally, these Extension Activities will be created such that a teacher can differentiate instruction by giving more difficult extension activities to students who have shown mastery of the lesson, and less difficult activities to students who are not yet proficient. --If you need more than one slide to list your extension activities, feel free to copy and paste this slide!


18 LearnZillion Notes:

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