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Colorectal Cancer (CRC)

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1 Colorectal Cancer (CRC)
Hyo Jong Kim Division of Gastroenterology Department of Internal Medicine Kyung Hee University Medical Center


3 CRC in Korea

4 CRC in Korea 2004년 사망원인통계연보, 통계청

5 CRC in Korea

6 CRC in Korea 100 Colon cancer 80 60 Lung cancer Stomach cancer 40
Liver cancer 20 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

7 Adenoma-Carcinoma Sequence

8 Adenoma-Carcinoma Sequence
and Polypectomy 10 yrs X

9 CRC: A Preventable Disease
Common and lethal Long presymptomatic dwell time High cure rate with early detection Safe, accurate diagnostic tests

10 Prevent the Preventable Disease!

11 The Case of George W. Bush

12 Bush Transferred Presidential Power
                                                                                                       The New York Times June 30, 2002

13 Bush Returns to Activities

14 Cheney? No More! CNN. Tuesday, November

15 Cheney Gets to be President for 2 hours

16 The Case of George W. Bush
1998 Screening Colonoscopy Polypectomy for benign polyp 1st Follow-up Colonoscopy 1999 Polypectomy for benign polyp 2002 2nd Follow-up Colonoscopy propofol, 20 mins 1.5 ounces of Fleet's phosphosoda, Propofol, 20 mins

17 The Case of George W. Bush
1998 Screening Colonoscopy Polypectomy for benign polyp 1st Follow-up Colonoscopy 1999 Polypectomy for benign polyp 2002 2nd Follow-up Colonoscopy Negative ;1.5 ounces of Fleet's phosphosoda, Propofol, 20 mins

18 Cumulative Incidence of CRC in the National Polyp Study Cohort
Incidence Reduction 90% 88% 76% *; P<0.001 SEER; The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Winawer SJ. The National Polyp Study Workgroup. N Engl J Med 1993; 329:

19 CRC Screening Options Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) annually
Flexible sigmoidoscopy q 5 yrs FOBT + sigmoidoscopy q 5 yrs Double Contrast Barium enema (DCBE) q 5 yrs Colonoscopy q 10 yrs

20 Evidence for CRC Screening
Strategy Mortality Incidence Reduction Reduction FOBT %-33% % Sigmoidoscopy % FOBT + sigmoidoscopy % DCBE unknown Colonoscopy RR %-60% USPSTF. Ann Intern Med 2002;137:132

21 Colonoscopy versus Sigmoidoscopy

22 Colonoscopy versus Sigmoidoscopy

23 The Michelangelo Code Michelangelo's "Night"

24 The Michelangelo Code Breast Cancer in Michelangelo's "Night"

25 The Michelangelo Code Breast Cancer in Michelangelo's "Night"

26 Sigmoidoscopy =? Single Mammography
Breast Cancer in Michelangelo's "Night"

27 Screening Test Efficacy for CRC
One-Time Testing Detection Rate of Advanced Neoplasia (%) FOBT alone Sigmoidoscopy alone Combined FOBT and sigmoidoscopy DCBE Colonoscopy

28 Recommended Tests and Screening Intervals
Test USPSTF GC ACG ACS KNCC Year of recommendation Sigmoidoscopy recommended q 5 yr q 5 yr q 5 yr interval ? Colonoscopy insufficient q 10 yr q 10 yr † q 10 yr q 5-10 yr evidence *: Persons at average risk for CRC, screening should begin at the age of 50 years, † : preferred strategy USPSTF: US Preventive Services Task Force, GC: Gastrointestimal Consortium, ACG: American College of Gastroenterology ACS: American Cancer Society, KNCC: Korean National Cancer Institute

29 Korean National Guideline†
All persons ≥ 50 y shoud begin regular screening colonoscopy q 5-10yr (preferred) DCBE + sigmoidoscopy q 5-10 yr †;Korean Society of Coloproctology and National Cancer Center, 2001

30 Cost, Resources, and Capacity

31 Surveillance N Engl J Med 2006;355:2551

32 Korean Population Structure
2002 2020 26.7% 41.7% Male Female Male Female Thousand persons Statistical Handblook of Korea 2002, Korean National Statistical Office.

33 Cost, Resources, and Capacity
Screening Surveillance

34 Diagnostic Yield of Flexible Sigmoidoscopy in Men
Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group 380 17,732 (men=96.8%) N Engl J Med 2001;345:55

35 Diagnostic Yield of Flexible Sigmoidoscopy in Men and Women
Tandem study to Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group 380 1,463 women N Engl J Med 2005;352:2061

36 Sex, Independent Predictor
N Engl J Med 2006;358:1863

37 Number Needed to Screen
N Engl J Med 2006;358:1863

38 Polypectomy

39 Is it too big to remove endoscopically?

40 Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection(ESD) for Rectosigmoid Epithelial Neoplasm

41 Endoscopic Management of ECC†
† ECC: Early Colorectal Cancer

42 ESD for Early Sigmoid Cancer

43 ESD for Early Sigmoid Cancer

44 ESD for Early Sigmoid Cancer

45 ESD for Early Sigmoid Cancer

46 Emerging Screening Tests
CT Colonoscopy Stool DNA testing

47 CT Colonoscopy N Engl J Med 2003;349:2191

48 CT Colonoscopy; Endoview

49 CT Colonoscopy; Filet view

50 Screening CT Colonoscopy
CT colonoscopy and Opitical Colonoscopy for the Detection of Adenomas N Engl J Med 2003;349:2191

51 CT Colonoscopy: Clinical Application
obstructing sigmoid cancer

52 CT Colonoscopy in Unsuccessful Colonoscopy

53 CT Colonoscopy in Unsuccessful Colonoscopy

54 CT Colonoscopy in Unsuccessful Colonoscopy

55 Laparoscopically Assisted Colectomy

56 A Comparison of Laparoscopically Assisted and
Open Colectomy for Colon Cancer n=872 median follow-up; 4.4 yrs P=0.32 P=0.50 Cumulative Incidence of Recurrence Overall Survival N Egnl J Med 2004;350:2050

57 Normal Cell Growth and Carcinogenesis
Inactivation of Tumor Suppressor Genes promotion of cell growth, inhibition of cell death nomal epithelium dysplastic ACF mild dysplasia severe dysplasia invasive tumor Activation of Proto-oncogenes stimulation of cell proliferation

58 Colorectal neoplasia is….

59 …. a Genetic Disease RAS mutation APC mutation and loss p53 mutation
SMAD2/4 DCC loss

60 Molecular Markers in a Single Test
10 mutations in APC 3 muations in K-ras 8 muations in p53 1 microsatellite instability marker, BAT-26 1 long DNA marker

61 Fecal DNA Panel and Occult-Blood Test
Most advanced finding at colonoscopy Group that could be evaluated (N=4404) Analyzed subgroup (N=2507) Positive Fecal DNA Panel Postive occult-blood test Adenocarcinoma 31 31 16/31 (51.6) 4/31 (12.9) Adenocarcinoma + high-grade dysplasia 72 71 29/71 (40.8) 10/71 (14.1) Advanced adenoma 426 403 61/403 (15.1) 43/403 (10.7) Minor polyps 1627 648 49/648 (7.6) 31/648 (4.8) No polyps on colonoscopy 2318 1423 79/1423 (5.6) 68/1423 (4.8) N Engl J Med. 2005;352:1384.

62 Bush’s Note at the 2005 World Summit
“I think I may NEED A BATHROOM BREAK? Is this possible?” U.S. President George W. Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York September 14,

63 Bush’s Fecal DNA Test

64 Low screening rates 38.7% 29.9% 23.5% 19.4%
Among appropriate populations that receive screening tests CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillnace System (BRFSS),U.S.,2001

65 Among appropriate populations that receive screening tests
Compliance % 100 Pap Test * 80 PSA Test† Mammography * 60 FOBT &/or Endoscopy * 75% 81% Endoscopy* 70% 40 FOBT* 42% 20 40% 17% Selected Tests Among appropriate populations that receive screening tests †;JAMA. 2003;289:1414, *; CDC’s Naional Health Intervew Survey (NHIS) 2000

66 The Case of Katie Couric

67 “Katie Couric Effect” March, 2000

68 Public Awareness Katie Couric, the screening role for colonoscopy

69 ``Katie Couric Procedure''
March, 2002

70 Obstacles To Screening Compliance
Public acceptance of screening tests Public awareness Physician awareness of screening

71 Physician Awareness of Screening
1998 Gallup poll (U.S.) <50% of all Americans ≥ 50 yrs have ever had any type of screening 88% of of nonscreened patients said health care provider had not discussed screening by the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCR)

72 patient care organization succesful screening programs
physician insurer patient care organization succesful screening programs





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