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Things you need to know about your child starting in Year 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Things you need to know about your child starting in Year 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Things you need to know about your child starting in Year 3.
Welcome to Year 3 Things you need to know about your child starting in Year 3.

2 The staff Mr Binz – Class 3X teacher
Mrs Wear & Mrs Oliver – Class 3Y teachers Miss Bowser – Team Leader Support Staff Mrs Glen – Intervention and SEN Support Mrs Harvey - Intervention

3 Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.
History Stone Age to Iron Age. The Celts. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.

4 Geography The Americas: Chile and the Galapagos Islands.
UK study: Northern Ireland. Italy (including Sicily).

5 Science Magnetism. Animals (plus humans). Nutrition; Comparing & contrasting diets; Skeletons and muscles. Darkness and Light. Helping plants grow well Rocks and soils Seasonal change.

6 No change! No jewellery Dinner money on Mondays. Golden time.
Indoor shoes. Long hair tied back (boys and girls). Water bottles, containing water only, please!

7 A few things have changed…
Fruit Key Stage 2 children are not provided with fruit by the school. However, the children encouraged to bring their own fruit into school.

8 Lunchtime Only one hour now! (12.00 to 1.00)

9 Homework Children are given homework each week on a Friday, usually with a spelling list, sometimes linked to topic work. Children will receive two homework text books and a homework diary. These will be kept at home until next July. Work will be completed in an exercise book.

10 Homework Homework must be returned by Wednesday. Spellings will be tested on a Friday.

11 P.E Kit It is recommended that a separate PE kit bag is brought to school each Monday and returned home each Friday for cleaning. Kit includes; blue shorts, white T-shirt and suitable footwear (an old school sweatshirt might be useful for the Autumn/Spring term)

12 Swimming Swimming takes place at the Aquatic Centre, Sunderland.
Class 3X - Every Friday during the Autumn Term ( Sept-late Dec 2014), commencing Friday 12th September . Class 3Y – Every Friday during the Spring Term ( Jan – Easter 2015). Swimming hats are not compulsory, but are useful for those with long hair. No tights for girls, please!

13 Art We ask children to bring in an old T Shirt for art activities. It is recommended that this belongs to an older relative so it can be worn over their uniform.

14 Reading . Your child will be allocated one Oxford Reading Tree or Treetop reading book on a weekly basis. Your child will read this book, both independently at school, and at home across the week, so we would ask that the reading book is brought to school each day. They will begin to record their own books on a sheet that remains in school.

15 Reading . We also ask that you would ensure that at home, your child reads the given book either independently or with an adult and that both they and you complete the Reading Task Book as appropriate.

16 Reading . On completion of each reading book, we suggest that your child completes the set tasks in relation to that book. The set tasks will be linked to the ‘After Reading’ activities, identified at the front of the Treetops reading books.

17 Reading . There is also increasing emphasis placed on the children being able to read with greater understanding, suitable expression and with greater attention to punctuation as the year progresses.

18 Reading . Alongside the reading book, children in Year 3 will select a Library book from the Hub area, again on a weekly basis (depending on length and complexity of the text). Books chosen will be recorded in the back of the Reading Task book by the children.

19 Merit cards Children are given a merit card and are rewarded with certificates and rewards. They also earn a house point for every line of 4 merits they achieve.

20 Mobile Phones Written permission must be obtained from Mrs Beckett.
Agreement of conditions will need to be signed by the parents/carers.

21 After school activities
Various clubs may take place during the year. Check your s for details, as these are usually allocated on a first come, first served basis.

22 Educational visits In previous years, we have visited Segedunum & Bede’s World. Due to changes in some curriculum areas, the above visits will not take place in Y3. You will be informed of the proposed visits in due course.

23 End of the Day Children finish school at 3.25pm and will be led into the Year 1 & 2 yard.

24 End of the Day Parents are asked to meet their children outside the school gate. You are allowed to wait in the Year 1 & 2 yard only if you have a child in Years 1 or 2.

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