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Modern business communication

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1 Modern business communication
Business communication can be written in much more relaxed style than they were decades ago. Old-fashion, long-winded jargon is out. You should aim to put across naturally, in a friendly, informal style. The secret of good writing is to use plain language as if you are having a conversation. This unit looks at some simple rules you should follow in order to insure all your communication affective

2 Six key rules of good writing for the twenty-first century
1-Come straight to the point Busy business people have not got time to read long-winded (boring) documents. They welcome letters that are direct and to the point-but at some time courteous. Save your reader’s time by keeping your sentences short and simple. Now shorten these sentences:

3 Please be informed that our monthly management meeting will be held on 28 August 200- in Training Room A. Please, our monthly management meeting will be held on 28 August 2000. Please note that the fire alarms throughout the company will be tested next Tuesday 14 July 200. Please, all the fire alarms of the company will be tested next Tuesday 14 July. I wish to advise you that Mrs. Joanna Green is no longer with this department. _______________________________________ Would you be so kind as to let me know when these goods can be delivered? Would you be so kind to let me know the delivered goods?

4 I would like to remind you petty cash claims should now be submitted to Alvin in Account Department.
________________________________________________________________________ I am writing to inform you that our company’s Annual Dinner and Dance will be held on Friday 28 December 2000.  Our company’s Annual Dinner and Dance will be held on Friday 28 December

5 2-Remember the KISS principle
Keep it short and simple- that means short sentences and simple words. Don’t try to impress (amaze) your readers with big words-they will not be impressed –they will just to reach for the dictionary.

6 Choose short words instead of these:
Commence = start Utilize= exploit=use Terminate=finish=end Purchase =buy Dispatch=send=mail=post Ascertain= discover= learn Come to a decision = decide In the event that=anyway=anyhow Give consideration to= consider= think about Under separate cover= envelope Despite the fact that=although In the near future=future=coming=imminent At the present in time=now

7 3-Use active not passive voice
‘Voice’ refers to the relation of a verb to its subject. Active voice means that the subject of the sentence does the action of the sentence. Passive voice means that the subject of the sentence receives the action. For example:

8 Passive: The study was completed by the marketing director.
Active: The marketing director completed the study. Passive: Separate requisition should be prepared by each buyer Active: Each buyer should prepare separate requisition

9 Change these sentences from passive to active voice
Your goods will be sent by us with the next 14 days Violin was played by team. The fault winded was fixed by the electrician. Business writing workshop will be conducted by Shirley Toiler. The investigation has been concluded by our clients and the paperwork has been signed

10 Is passive voice ever appropriate
Is passive voice ever appropriate? Yes, there are some occasion when passive would be more appropriate: It may be better to make a particular important noun the subject of the sentence, thus giving extra emphasis. For example, it would be better to say: Our restaurant has been recommended by all the leading hotels in Singapore. This emphasizes our restaurant rather than: All the leading hotels in Singapore recommend ourselves. When you want to place the focus on the action, not the actor. For example: The noise was heard all over the building. Here, the emphasis is on the noise, not the people who had made the noise. When you want to hide something or when the tact is important. For example: An unfortunate mistake was made.

11 4- Use the right tone You change the tone of your voice to convey messages in different ways. Similarly written communication may be worded so that they sound polite, friendly, firm, bossy , sarcastic, condescending (humiliating), even rude .if you use the wrong tone in a written communication you should cause real offence to your reader. If you feel angry or frustrated, try not to vent (say or utter) your emotion in writing. Your objectives will be achieved with carefully and appropriated wording

12 Study the following expressions and choose an alternative way of saying the same things more tactfully. You have deliberately failed to reply to my letter ( Too emotive) I think you forgot to answer my letter. We cannot do anything about your problem. Try calling a plumber ( Too abrupt) Sorry, we are not expert about this problem. Please try to call a plumber. Your interview will be held on Wednesday 28 August at a ( Too bossy) ____________________________________________________________

13 The problem would not have happened if you had connected the wires properly in the first place. (Too condescending) _____________________________________________________________ Your computer’s guarantee has expired so you will have to pay for it to be repaired.(Too blunt) ______________________________________________________________ It is not our fault that your curtains faded. You obliviously did not read the instructions about dry cleaning only. (Too sarcastic)

14 5-Use modern language The main rule of writing today is to write as you speak. If you find yourself that writing something that you would not say to the person if you were having a conversation, then you should not be writing it either. Replace these sentences with modern business language:

15 The above-mentioned goods will be dispatched to you today.
These goods will be sent to you today. Please find enclose herewith a copy of our new catalogue. ________________________________________________ Following my telecom with your good self this morning. I should be grateful if you would be good enough to advise me. ___________________________________________________ I am afraid that we are unable to accede to your request due to the fact that your contract has lapsed.

16 6- Use gender-neutral language
The Use of the masculine gender in generic sense is our great grandfather’s style of writing with more and more women entering in the world of business, it’s appropriate that our writing is free from gender biases. Write the following sentences by substituting the appropriate words with gender neutral words

17 The chairman will not be attended the meeting.
The chairperson will not be attended the meeting. The company is looking for additional salesmen. The company is looking for additional salesperson. The airhostess took care of us in the flight. _________________________________________ Ram’s wife is not working. She is a house wife. I feel all businessmen are dishonest. __________________________________________ Because of the Union’s strike many man-days were lost. ___________________________________________ The policemen were asked to be alert. ____________________________________________ Ramesh spoke on ethic in management and how it affects mankind positively. _____________________________________________________________

18 Jargon or Gobbledygook
Jargon can seriously get in the way of business. No-one understands what people are talking about or what they are writing about! Using jargon can result in one of two things_ the reader will get bored and stop reading or will spend a great deal of time trying to figure out what you meant four sentences ago. Abbreviations are another thing which can bring confusion. So as a general rule, always explain abbreviations when you first use them.

19 1-Before: if there are any points on which you require explanation or further particulars we shall be glad to furnish such additional details as may be require by telephone. Now, take a look at these examples: Revised: if you have any questions, please call. 2-Before: High-quality learning environments are a necessary precondition for facilitation and enhancement of the ongoing learning process. Revised: Children need good schools if they are to learn properly

20 3-Before: It is important that you shall read the notes, advice and information detailed opposite then complete the form overleaf(all sections) prior to its immediate return to the council by way of the envelope provided. Revised: please, read the notes opposite before you fill in the form. Then, send it back to us by 15 March 2009 in the envelope provided

21 Effective proofreading
1-avoid distractions 2- Read the work out loud 3-concerntrate on reading one word at a time 4- Be methodical. 5-Take a break occasionally 6-Remember to look also for inconsistencies in style and presentation. 7-leave a decent period of time between writing and proofreading the work 8-print out a hard copy for the final proofreading 9-keep your knowledge of punctuation and grammar up-to-date 10- Ask someone else to do a final check of important document-

22 Key point to remember Use short sentences Choose simple words
Avoid wordiness: choose words with care and be economical Use appropriate tone Be precise: your letter should be long enough to serve its purpose but no longer Ensure accuracy: double check all figures, dates, numbers and prices as well as spelling, punctuation, tenses and word endings etc. Check consistency: ensure if it is (fully blocked style with open punctuation) as well as (I,we,etc) Use your initiative: ensure the reader knows everything. Instead of ‘next week,’ state a day and date. If an overseas visit is planned, give the time of arrival and flight number Use active not passive voice Write as you would speak: use everyday language as if you were having a conversation Use gender-neutral language


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