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Welcome – Bienvenue Faìlte - Pjila’si! Welkom! Willkommen! Bienvenido!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome – Bienvenue Faìlte - Pjila’si! Welkom! Willkommen! Bienvenido!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome – Bienvenue Faìlte - Pjila’si! Welkom! Willkommen! Bienvenido!
MARITIME CONFERENCE 2017 Welcome – Bienvenue Faìlte - Pjila’si! Welkom! Willkommen! Bienvenido!


3 SONG FOR PEACE by Allister MacGillivray
Gentle lady, gentle man, May I speak that you might understand. I've been thinking we've been rather blind. Let us leave every difference behind. 

4 Cast your nets on these waters,
your lines on the sea, Your sights on horizons wherever you please, For together we'll weather the tide that prevails, With the sun on our shoulders, the wind in our sails. 

5 Those who suffer, those who cry, Call for brothers and friends, by and by, For 'tis certain united we stand, Side by side, arm in arm, hand in hand. 

6 Cast your nets on these waters,
your lines on the sea, Your sights on horizons wherever you please, For together we'll weather the tide that prevails, With the sun on our shoulders, the wind in our sails. 

7 Little children know the way. They spend life, dream by dream,
day by day, And by nature, they seem to imply We must love, and never ask why. 

8 Cast your nets on these waters,
your lines on the sea, Your sights on horizons wherever you please, For together we'll weather the tide that prevails, With the sun on our shoulders, the wind in our sails. 

9 Cast your nets on these waters,
your lines on the sea, Your sights on horizons wherever you please, For together we'll weather the tide that prevails, With the sun on our shoulders, the wind in our sails. 

10 Scripture Lesson Mark 4: 35 - 41
Paper Boats Explanation and demonstration folding Writing names of loved ones Remembering friends from Conference, Pastoral Charges, and others

11 Prayer Lord Jesus, Our fingers fumble to build our boats – we need a master mariner. Come among us, stand among us and stay among us.

12 When we are shaken by storms
– give us peace. When we are becalmed with indecisions – send a refreshing breeze. When we have run aground, be the flood tide that lifts us. When we are sinking, be the One who rescues and saves.

13 When we are plowing the waves,
be our joy. When we pull into the harbour at the close of our day, be the One waiting for us. With You at our side, we will seek other seas. Amen.

Words by Cesdreo Gabaràin translated by Gertrude C. Suppe and George Lackwood. Music by Cesdreo Gabaràin harmonized by Skinner Chàvez- Melo

15 Jesus, you have come to the lakeshore,
1 8 Jesus, you have come to the lakeshore, looking neither or wealthy nor wise ones, you only asked me to follow humbly.

16 O Jesus, with your eyes you have searched me, And while smiling have spoken my name, Now my boat’s left on the shoreline behind me By your side, I will seek other seas.

17 You, know so well my possessions
1 You, know so well my possessions My boat carries no gold and no weapons You will find there my nets and labour.

18 O Jesus, with your eyes you have searched me, And while smiling have spoken my name, Now my boat’s left on the shoreline behind me By your side, I will seek other seas.

19 You need my hands, full of caring,
1 You need my hands, full of caring, Through my labours to give others rest And constant love that keeps on loving.

20 O Jesus, with your eyes you have searched me, And while smiling have spoken my name, Now my boat’s left on the shoreline behind me By your side, I will seek other seas.

21 You, who have fished other oceans
Ever longed for by souls who are waiting My loving friend, as thus you call me.

22 O Jesus, with your eyes you have searched me, And while smiling have spoken my name, Now my boat’s left on the shoreline behind me By your side, I will seek other seas.

23 Seek other Cs We return to the business and busyness of Conference. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who have come to sit with us. Let us remember them, jot their names on our boats and be thankful for their voyage with us.

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