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Presentation on theme: "Mutations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutations

2 Mutations Mutation Germ Cell Mutations Somatic-Cell Mutations
Change in the nucleotide base sequence of a gene or DNA Germ Cell Mutations Mutation in an organism’s sex cells or gametes Will not affect that organism…but can affect the offspring Somatic-Cell Mutations Take place in an organism’s body cells Can affect organism (certain types of cancer) Cannot be inherited

3 Mutations… Lethal Mutations Beneficial Mutations
Cause death, often before birth of an organism Beneficial Mutations Organisms will have a better chance of survival, and thus an evolutionary advantage.

4 Chromosome Mutations Deletion Inversion Translocation Nondisjunction
Loss of a piece of a chromosome due to breakage Inversion Piece of chromosome breaks off, but reattaches backwards Translocation Piece of chromosome breaks off and reattaches to a non homologous chromosome Nondisjunction Chromosome fails to separate from its homologous pair during Meiosis 1

5 Chromosome Map

6 Chromosome Mutations

7 Nondisjunction results in Down Syndrome

8 Gene Mutations Point Mutation- Switching, adding, or removing a single nucleotide (letter of DNA) Substitution- 1 letter replaces another, 1 amino acid is affected Missense- 1 Amino Acid Switched Nonsense- Changes Amino Acid to a “Stop” Silent- Amino Acid is the same…no change Frameshift- Insertion or Deletion of 1 nucleotide affects all Amino Acids down the line…

9 Gene Mutations

10 http://highered. mcgraw- hill /student_view0/c hapter11/animation_quiz_4.html KKsk

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