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Bellwork 12/8/15 Please take out vocabulary list 5/6 Turn it in

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1 Bellwork 12/8/15 Please take out vocabulary list 5/6 Turn it in
Take everything off your desk except a pen or pencil. It’s quiz time……

2 Types of Irony

3 Irony Notes: Take out a blank sheet of paper.
Fold your paper into four sections. Label the first section IRONY. In the first box only, write down definitions and examples of irony. Irony Notes Irony

4 Is IRONY the opposite of WRINKLY?
What is Irony? Is IRONY the opposite of WRINKLY? NO WAY!! Though laughing at Ms. Woolley’s jokes will get you brownie points ;)

5 Figurative Language  Irony
Irony exists when speech or events are incongruous or the opposite of what is expected or intended.

6 What is Irony? Irony is a literary device in which words are used to express a contradiction between appearance and reality— In irony, reality is usually the opposite of what it seems.

7 Why use IRONY? Authors use irony to make a point and bring attention to some important aspect of a story. Irony can be both comic and tragic.

8 There are THREE type of Irony:
Situational Irony Dramatic Irony Verbal Irony

9 Types of Irony Notes: You folded your paper into four sections.
Now, we are going to fill in the rest of the sections for the three types of irony. Irony Notes Irony Situational Irony Dramatic Irony Verbal Irony

10 Types of Irony Notes: I am going to show you THREE short videos that explain each type of irony. As you watch, fill in pertinent information gained from the video that will help you define that specific type of irony. Also, write down examples of each type of irony presented in the videos

11 Situational Irony

12 Dramatic Irony

13 Verbal Irony

14 REVIEW: Definition: a contrast between what is expected and what actually happens Situational: something happens that we wouldn’t expect to happen EX: a fire station burns down irony Dramatic: the reader knows something the characters do not Verbal: what is said is different than what is meant EX: Home Alone: We know that Kevin has planted traps every where, but the thieves don’t! EX: You tell someone to break a leg but you mean for them to have good luck

15 Isn't it Ironic?

16 HOW TO PLAY: You have each been given a whiteboard and a marker
The following slides contain examples of each type of irony Identify which type of irony is being presented by writing the answer on your white board… Don’t put up your white board until I signal to do so

17 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…
George breaks a date with his girlfriend so he can go to a ball game with the guys. At the concession stand, he runs into his girlfriend with another guy.

We do not expect George to see his girlfriend with another guy. Unexpected to everyone- George, his girlfriend, and the audience

19 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…

We don’t expect a FITNESS CENTER to have an escalator because they cause you to burn LESS calories. The people going to the gym are going to work out, yet they are taking the lazy way and using the escalator instead of the stairs

21 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…

The guy is calling the protestors stupid, but he spelled, “morons” wrong!

23 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…

What Charlie Brown heard didn’t actually make him feel great- it made him feel bad. His comment was meant to be sarcastic.

25 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…
Janice begins to receive threatening notes in the mail and on her car.  Then, a car tries to run her over in a dark parking lot.  She can’t see who the driver is.  She goes to her best friend Doug for help.  However, her attacker keeps trying to kill her.  Finally, Doug has her come stay with him at his cabin so she will be safe.  Then, he reveals that HE is the attacker!!

None of us expected Doug to be the killer; Doug was Janice’s best friend AND he offered her refuge and safety. Doug being the attacker is the OPPOSITE of what we all expected.

27 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…

We wouldn’t expect these two messages to be placed next to each other- two contrasting message- a McDonald’s sign is beside a sign about obesity!

29 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…
Lois Lane, a reporter at the Daily Planet, is in love with the superhero Superman.  She is obsessed with him, and always asks her co-worker, Clark Kent for information about him.  She thinks that Clark and Superman are friends.  However, Clark is actually Superman in disguise and is very much in love with Lois, but she won’t give Clark the time of day.

WE- the audience- know that Clark Kent is actually Superman, but Lois Lane does not.

31 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…
A son reluctantly walked outside to meet his father in the yard at 6:00 on a Saturday morning.  “Are you ready to do some yard work?” his father asked.  “Yeah, I can’t wait,” the boy replied.

The son is not being sincere by saying “I can’t wait” because he doesn’t really want to do it. What he is saying isn’t meant to be taken literally.

33 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…
Cinderella, a penniless house slave to her step- mother and two step-sisters, goes to a ball held for the prince.  The prince believes that Cinderella is a royal lady since she is at the ball and is so beautiful.  He falls in love with her not knowing that she is a maid in her step-mother’s house.

The audience knows the truth about Cinderella but the Prince does not.

35 Identify the following example of irony as situational, dramatic, or verbal…

Based on the girls’ conversation, you would expect them to act gentle and kind. Then, they both rudely yell at Charlie Brown to “GET OUT OF THE WAY!!”- Behavior which is the opposite of gentle and kind.

37 The End!

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