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Cities and their hinterlands

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1 Cities and their hinterlands
Urban-rural interactions

2 Definitions Hinterland can refer to the rural area economically tied to the urban catchment of large cities or agglomerations The city can be considered as a nexus of social and political relationships that forms the heart of larger social and political networks City-states with a city and dependent territories, considerable part of the population living in the city for greater protection Territorial states with multiple centers inhabited by a smaller part of the population and a large part of the population living in the countryside

3 The Old World Hittites Syro-Hittites

4 Diyala hinterland Mesopotamia’s heartland

5 Cities and their harbors

6 City-states of Sumer Syro-Hittite city-states Greek city-states

7 Southern Mesopotamian delta plain

8 River levees



11 Robert McCormick Adams
Land Behind Baghdad. A History of Settlement on the Diyala Plain (1965) The Evolution of Urban Society: Early Mesopotamia and Prehispanic Mexico (1966) The Uruk Countryside. The Natural Setting of Urban Societies (1972, with H.J.Nissen) Heartland of Cities. Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain of the Euphrates (1981)


13 Tells

14 Western highland Mesoamerica
Eastern lowland Mesoamerica

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