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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.#

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.#
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 1.#

2 Topics discussed in this section:
1-1 DATA COMMUNICATIONS The term telecommunication means communication at a distance. The word data refers to information presented in whatever form is agreed upon by the parties creating and using the data. Data communications are the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as a wire cable. Topics discussed in this section: Components Data Representation Data Flow 1.#

3 Data Communication Data Data Communication
Information presented in whatever form is agreed upon by the parties creating and using the data Binary information units (0s and 1s) Data Communication Exchange of data between two devices via transmission medium Fundamental Characteristics Delivery: deliver data to correct destination Accuracy: deliver data accurately Timeliness: Deliver data in a timely manner Delivering data as they are produced, in the same order that they are produced, and without significant delay Real-time transmission

4 Data Communication System Component

5 Data Communication System Components (cont.)
Message Information (data) to be communicated Sender Device sending data message Receiver Device receiving message Medium Physical path by which a message travels Protocol Set of rules governing data communication Agreement between communicating devices

6 Direction of Data Flow Simplex Unidirectional communication
Keyboard, monitor

7 Direction of Data Flow (cont.)
Half-duplex Both transmit and receive, but not at the same time Walkie-talkie

8 Direction of Data Flow (cont.)
Full-duplex Transmit and receive simultaneously Telephone network

9 Network Network A set of devices (nodes) connected by communication links

10 Network Criteria Performance Reliability Security
Throughput, delay, jitter, loss… Factors including number of users, type of transmission medium, hardware, software Reliability Frequency of failure, recovery time of a network after a failure, network’s robustness in a catastrophe Security Protecting data from unauthorized access

11 Physical Structure Type of Connection Point-to-Point
Provide a dedicated link between two devices Reserve entire capacity of the channel for transmission between two devices

12 Physical Structure (cont.)
Type of Connection (cont.) Multipoint (or Multidrop) More than two devices share a single link Spatially shared: several devices use link simultaneously Timeshare:users must take turns

13 Physical Structure (cont.)
Physical Topology The way in which a network is laid out physically

14 Physical Structure (cont.)
Physical Topology (cont.) Mesh Every device has a dedicated p-to-p link to every other device Guarantee data load between two devices Robust, meaning one link failure does not halt entire system Privacy or security Easy fault identification and fault isolation Amount of cabling and number of I/O ports required (n(n-1)/2)

15 Physical Structure (cont.)
Physical Topology (cont.) Star Dedicated p-to-p link to central controller (hub) Less expensive than mesh Easy to install and reconfigure due to only one link and one I/O port Robustness due to easy fault identification and fault isolation More cabling than other topologies (tree, ring, bus) Single failure problem

16 Physical Structure (cont.)
Physical Topology (cont.) Bus Multipoint configuration Ease of installation Limited number of taps a bus can support and distance Difficult reconfiguration and isolation

17 A hybrid topology: a star backbone with three bus networks

18 Figure 1.10 An isolated LAN connecting 12 computers to a hub in a closet

19 Physical Structure (cont.)
Physical Topology (cont.) Ring Dedicated p-to-p configuration with two devices on either side Easy to install and reconfigure Simplified fault isolation Unidirectional traffic A break in the ring can disable entire network

20 Categories of Networks
Classification of interconnected processors by scale

21 Categories of Networks (cont.)
Local Area Network (LAN) Privately owned and limited size to a few kilometers Allow resources to be shared between PCs or workstations Bus, ring or star

22 Categories of Networks (cont.)
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) Extend over an entire city Single network or a means of connecting LANS into a larger network (ex) Telco.s provide a popular MAN service called SMDS (Switched Multi-megabit Data Services)

23 Categories of Networks (cont.)
Wide Area Network (WAN) Provide long-distance transmission of data over large geographical areas (country or continent) Utilize public, leased, or private communication equipment Enterprise Network WAN that is wholly owned and used by a single company

24 Figure 1.11 WANs: a switched WAN and a point-to-point WAN

25 Categories of Networks (cont.)
Internetworks internetworks or internet Collection of interconnected networks

26 Brief History of Internet
ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in the DOD : presented ideas of ARPANET, 1967 Reality : 1969 (UCLA, UCSB, SRI, U of Utah) Birth of the Internet Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn devised to interconnect networks, in 1972 Presented TCP concepts in 1973; later, TCP  splitting into TCP and IP In 1983, TCP/IP became to official protocol for the ARPANET

27 Internet Today

28 Internet Specific worldwide internet

29 Protocols Set of rules (conventions) governing data communications
Key Element Syntax Structure or format of data, meaning the order in which they are presented Semantics Meaning of each section of bits Timing Two characteristics: when data should be sent and how fast they can be sent Entity Anything capable of sending or receiving information

30 Standards Standard Categories De Jure standards De Facto Standards
Essential in creating and maintaining an open and competitive market and in guaranteeing national and international interoperability Categories De Jure standards Legislated by an officially recognized body De Facto Standards Have not been approved by an organized body but have been adopted as standards through widespread use

31 Standard Organizations
Standards Creation Committees International Standards Organization (ISO) International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunication Standards Sector (ITU-T, formerly CCITT) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Electronic Industries Association (EIA)

32 Standard Organizations (cont.)
Forum Developed by special-interest groups to accommodate the need for working models and agreements and to facilitate the standardization process Speed acceptance and use of technologies in telecommunications community Frame relay forum, ATM forum and ATM consortium Internet Society (ISOC) and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Regulatory Agencies Government agencies regulating all communications technology FCC

33 Internet Standards Internet Standard
A thoroughly tested specification that is useful to and adhered by those who work with the Internet A specification begins as an Internet draft Working document with no official status and six-month life-time RFC (Request for Comment) Recommendation from Internet authorities

34 Chapter 2 Network Models
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

35 Layered Task: Sending a Letter

36 Topics discussed in this section:
2-2 THE OSI MODEL Established in 1947, the International Standards Organization (ISO) is a multinational body dedicated to worldwide agreement on international standards. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network communications is the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. It was first introduced in the late 1970s. Topics discussed in this section: Layered Architecture Peer-to-Peer Processes Encapsulation

37 ISO is the organization. OSI is the model.
Note ISO is the organization. OSI is the model.

38 Figure 2.2 Seven layers of the OSI model

39 The Physical Layer Responsibility: Issues:
transmission of raw bits over a communication channel. Issues: mechanical and electrical interfaces time per bit distances

40 The Data Link Layer - Data Link Control
Responsibility: provide an error-free communication link Issues: framing (dividing data into chunks) header & trailer bits addressing

41 The Data Link Layer - The MAC sublayer
Medium Access Control needed by muti-access communications. MAC provides ‘virtual wires’ on multi-access networks. Multi-access Point-to-point

42 The Network Layer Responsibilities: Issues:
path selection between end-systems (routing/address). subnet flow control. translation between different network types. Issues: packet headers (address) virtual circuits (routing)

43 Hop-by-Hop Process A Process B

44 End-to-End Process A Process B

45 The Transport Layer Responsibities: Issues:
provides virtual end-to-end links between peer processes. fragmentation & reassembly end-to-end flow control Issues: headers error detection reliable communication

46 The Session Layer Responsibilities:
establishes, manages, and terminates sessions between applications. service location lookup Many protocol suites do not include a session layer.

47 The Presentation Layer
Responsibilities: data encryption data compression data conversion Many protocol suites do not include a Presentation Layer.

48 The Application Layer Responsibities: Issues:
anything not provided by any of the other layers Issues: application level protocols appropriate selection of type of service

49 Layering & Headers Each layer needs to add some control information to the data in order to do its job. This information is typically prepended to the data before being given to lower layers. Once the lower layers deliver the the data and control information - the peer layer uses the control information.

50 Headers Process DATA Process Transport H DATA Transport Network H H
Data Link H H H DATA Data Link

51 What are the headers? Physical: no header - just a bunch of bits.
Data Link: address of the receiving endpoints address of the sending endpoint length of the data checksum.

52 Network layer header (IP header)
IP protocol version type of service length of the data packet identifier fragment number time to live protocol header checksum source network address destination network address

53 Inter-Network Net B Net A
Connection of two or more distinct (possibly dissimilar) networks. Requires some kind of network device to facilitate the connection. Net B Net A

54 Network Interface Card(NIC)

55 Thick Ethernet Wiring

56 Thin Ethernet Wiring

57 Twisted Pair Ethernet

58 Connecting Networks Repeater: physical layer Bridge: data link layer
Router: network layer Gateway: network layer and above.

59 Internet Model (TCP/IP)
Sometimes called the TCP/IP protocol suite Composed of five layers Physical (1), Data link, Network, Transport, Application (5) Layer A collection of networking functions which have related uses Define a family of functions distinct from those of other layers Call upon services of the layer just below it Provide a more comprehensive and flexible architecture

60 Internet Layer

61 Peer-to-Peer Processes
Processes on each machine that communicate at a given layer Interface Define what information and services a layer must provide for the layer above it

62 Peer-to-Peer Processes (cont.)

63 An Exchange using Internet Model

64 Physical Layer Responsible for transmitting individual bits from one node to the next Function required to transmit a bit stream over a physical medium Mechanical, electrical, functional and procedural interface, and physical transmission medium

65 Data Link Layer Responsible for transmitting frames from one node to the next Transform physical layer, a raw transmission facility, to a reliable link Make physical layer appear error-free to upper layer Framing, physical addressing, flow control, error control, access control

66 Hop-to-Hop (Node-to-Node) Delivery

67 Example of Data Link Layer Communication

68 Network Layer Responsible for delivery of packets from the original source to the final destination Source-to-destination delivery of a packet possibly across multiple networks Logical addressing, Routing

69 Source-to-Destination Delivery

70 Example of Network Layer Communication

71 Transport Layer Responsible for delivery of a message from one process within source to another process within destination Responsible for process-to-process delivery of the entire message Port addressing, segmentation and reassembly, connection control, flow control, error control

72 Reliable Process-to-Process Delivery of Message

73 Example of Transport Layer Communication

74 Application Layer Responsible for providing services to the users
Enable user, whether human or software, to access the network Mail services, File transfer and access, Remote log-in, Accessing the World Wide Web (WWW),…

75 Summary of Layers

76 OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model
Based on the proposal developed by ISO 7 layers

77 Session layer Network dialog controller Dialog control Synchronization
To establish, maintain, and synchronize interaction between communicating systems Dialog control Synchronization

78 Presentation layer Syntax and semantics of information exchanged between two systems Translation Interoperability between different encoding methods Encryption Compression

79 TCP/IP and OSI Model

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