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Learning Challenge Summer Term 2017 Class 3

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1 Learning Challenge Summer Term 2017 Class 3
Inventions Learning Challenge Summer Term Class 3

2 Week 1 introduction : UKS2:
How have key events and individuals in design and technology helped shape the world? PSHE Whose invention is the most important? Topic How did some of the things we use every day start out? Reflection Discussion about why they put the inventions in a particular order.

3 Week 2 : UKS2: Who was Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace and why are they important today? Maths Computer code, binary. ICT Databases Reflection

4 Will we ever send another human into space?
Week 3 : UKS2: Will we ever send another human into space? What is the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon? (measuring long distances) Science Art /DT/RE Shading Reflection Children’s own topic

5 How did we get from the wheel to space?
Week 4 : UKS2: How did we get from the wheel to space? Science How can we learn about the Solar system and the planets in it? Music/IT What music would a rocket make? History Why build a rocket? Geography/ History What was the ‘space race’ and why was it important? Art Perspective RE Buddhism - Wesak Reflection

6 Can you explain why we have night and day?
Week 5 : UKS2: Can you explain why we have night and day? Art/DT Can you design something to help make an older persons life better? PSHCE Would you back this design with your money? RE How did Buddhism influence the Chinese? Music What music symbolises Buddhism? Art /DT Create a drawing of the moon’s surface and design a moon buggy Science Why do we have night and day? Reflection

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