Progress Communication: Classroom Expectations:

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1 Progress Communication: Classroom Expectations:
Supply list: Composition notebook Folder or separate section of binder for ELAR Grading Policy: Daily Work/Participation = 55% Assessments = 40% Planner Check/Homework = 5% What are we learning?: This year, we will explore the characteristics of literary genres, make connections as we read to better understand the text, use strategies to help us understand the words we read, investigate through research, and push ourselves as writers. 6th grade ELAR Mrs. Turner Room B110 Absent Work Policy: When a student is absent from school, immediately, upon returning, s/he must ask the teacher for assignments covering the work missed and arrange to complete such make up work promptly. The burden of responsibility for completing makeup work rests entirely on the student rather than on the teacher. Missing work may be found in the daily folders on the back bulletin board. Progress Communication: Parents or guardians may sign up for a parent connect account at Click on Tx Connect on the parent home page under parent links. Once you set up an account, parents have access to their student’s grades, and by clicking on the cycle grade for each class parents are able to see the individual assignments and the grade or “missing” for each of the assignments. Classroom Expectations: When you enter my classroom, we will make sure to encourage each other to be the best version of ourselves we can possibly be. You will hear me say this often, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference.” There will be times when the work seems hard, but it’s important to use the strategies we will learn, instead of giving up! “It’s ok to not know, but it’s NOT ok to not try!” I have read and understood the expectations stated in Mrs. Turner’s syllabus. Printed Name of Student: Signature of Student: Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________

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