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1 Desert

2 camel Long eyelashes and ears lined with hair provide protection from blowing sand.

3 turkey vulture The neck and head are featherless to keep it from getting infected from the dead meat it feeds on.

4 desert tortoise They store fat and water in their bodies and dig holes to live in during the hot summers. They come out again in the autumn when the weather is cooler.

5 Bighorn sheep Well adapted to living in the desert heat and cold, this animal can go long periods without water, obtaining needed moisture from food and rainwater collected in rock pools.

6 Rattlesnake The color of a rattlesnake blends with its background. It can "feel the heat" of its prey, so it can hunt in the day or the night.

7 Gila monster Their large bodies allow them to consume large amounts of food in a short period. During the periods when food is scarce, these lizards survive due to the fact that fat is stored in their body, the tails in particular.

8 Jackrabbit The jackrabbit has the adaptation of large ears that radiate heat so it doesn't get too hot.

9 Chuckwalla lizard Its somewhat flattened body allows it to go into rock crevices and then small, rough scales combined with super-inflation of the lungs (up to 3 times their normal volume) make it virtually impossible to remove.

10 Desert Yellow Daisy This plant has small linear leaves, that are also hairy and almost succulent, which means “water-storing.” All of these attributes help the plant cope with harsh desert temperatures.

11 Barrel Cactus The spines provide shade, serve as a windbreak to prevent dehydration from dry winds, and help trap warm air close to the plant when the temperature occasionally dips to freezing.

12 Saguaro Cactus Spongy flesh in the trunk and branches of the saguaro cactus serves as a reservoir where water is stored as a slow-to-evaporate gelatin-like substance.

13 Joshua Tree The spiny leaf of the Joshua Tree is turned upwards in hopes it will catch any moisture in the air. Then it stores the water in the limbs and trunk.

14 Ocotillo plant The Ocotillo has adapted to its environment by shedding its small leaves during dry spells. It can also grow new leaves 5 days after getting water.

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