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Lecture 18 Expectation Maximization

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1 Lecture 18 Expectation Maximization
Machine Learning

2 Last Time Expectation Maximization Gaussian Mixture Models

3 Term Project Projects may use existing machine learning software
weka, libsvm, liblinear, mallet, crf++, etc. But must experiment with Type of data Feature Representations a variety of training styles – amount of data, classifiers. Evaluation

4 Gaussian Mixture Model
Mixture Models. How can we combine many probability density functions to fit a more complicated distribution?

5 Gaussian Mixture Model
Fitting Multimodal Data Clustering

6 Gaussian Mixture Model
Expectation Maximization. E-step Assign points. M-step Re-estimate model parameters.

7 Today EM Proof Clustering sequential data Jensen’s Inequality
EM over HMMs

8 Gaussian Mixture Models

9 How can we be sure GMM/EM works?
We’ve already seen that there are multiple clustering solutions for the same data. Non-convex optimization problem Can we prove that we’re approaching some maximum, even if many exist.

10 Bound maximization Since we can’t optimize the GMM parameters directly, maybe we can find the maximum of a lower bound. Technically: optimize a convex lower bound of the initial non-convex function.

11 EM as a bound maximization problem
Need to define a function Q(x,Θ) such that Q(x,Θ) ≤ l(x,Θ) for all x,Θ Q(x,Θ) = l(x,Θ) at a single point Q(x,Θ) is concave

12 EM as bound maximization
Claim: for GMM likelihood The GMM MLE estimate is a convex lower bound

13 EM Correctness Proof Prove that l(x,Θ) ≥ Q(x,Θ) Likelihood function
Introduce hidden variable (mixtures in GMM) A fixed value of θt Jensen’s Inequality (coming soon…)

14 EM Correctness Proof GMM Maximum Likelihood Estimation

15 The missing link: Jensen’s Inequality
If f is concave (or convex down): Incredibly important tool for dealing with mixture models. if f(x) = log(x)

16 Generalizing EM from GMM
Notice, the EM optimization proof never introduced the exact form of the GMM Only the introduction of a hidden variable, z. Thus, we can generalize the form of EM to broader types of latent variable models

17 General form of EM Given a joint distribution over observed and latent variables: Want to maximize: Initialize parameters E Step: Evaluate: M-Step: Re-estimate parameters (based on expectation of complete-data log likelihood) Check for convergence of params or likelihood

18 Applying EM to Graphical Models
Now we have a general form for learning parameters for latent variables. Take a Guess Expectation: Evaluate likelihood Maximization: Reestimate parameters Check for convergence

19 Clustering over sequential data
HMMs What if you believe the data is sequential, but you can’t observe the state.

20 Training latent variables in Graphical Models
Now consider a general Graphical Model with latent variables.

21 EM on Latent Variable Models
Guess Easy, just assign random values to parameters E-Step: Evaluate likelihood. We can use JTA to evaluate the likelihood. And marginalize expected parameter values M-Step: Re-estimate parameters. Based on the form of the models generate new expected parameters (CPTs or parameters of continuous distributions) Depending on the topology this can be slow

22 Break

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