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Colonial beginnings Essential question: What were early explorers and settlers in the New World hoping to accomplish?

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1 Colonial beginnings Essential question: What were early explorers and settlers in the New World hoping to accomplish?

2 In Europe, enormous shifts in technology, trade and politics during the Renaissance would help to launch the age of exploration and colonization. Daring explorers sought to find a new and hopefully shorter route from Europe to China and India. Europeans were also becoming increasingly divided over religion at this time.

3 Spain was one of the most powerful nations in the world
Spain was one of the most powerful nations in the world. But Spain wanted even more power! Christopher Columbus convinced the Queen and King to finance his trip to find a shorter sailing route to Asia.

4 Columbus would make four voyages to what the Europeans
began calling the “New World” between 1492 and His trips would start a deadly race among European powers to establish themselves in the Americas. Columbus first landed in the Caribbean, in the Bahamas. He insisted that he had reached the West Indies and called the natives he met there, Indians.

5 Spain was the first European power to establish colonies in the New World. They claimed land in the southeastern United States and called it La Florida. They established the first permanent European colony in North America, St. Augustine. New Spain

6 The French also jumped into the race and claimed New France.

7 Who would finally settle into South Carolina?
The Spanish would try! They sent Francisco Gordillo from Santo Domingo and he explored the South Carolina coast. When Gordillo stopped, friendly Native Americans met him. He Invited them on board his ship. When they came aboard, he lifted the anchors and took the Native Americans prisoners! 1521

8 Spain is the first to try to settle in South Carolina
In 1526, Lucas de Allyon sailed to South Carolina with a fleet of ships and 600 settlers including slaves and missionaries. 1526

9 San Miguel de Gualdape 1526 The First Settlement Attempt
No one is really sure where they landed. It Is believed they landed near Georgetown. They seemed doomed from the start. They ran out of supplies. They suffered from malaria and disease. They also encountered a slave rebellion and Native American attacks. They decided to abandon the settlement. 1526 The First Settlement Attempt

10 San Miguel de Gualdape 1526 The First Settlement Attempt

11 The Spanish are still exploring South Carolina
Hernando de Soto would explore South Carolina. He led an expedition from Florida. In South Carolina, he encountered the Cofitachequi Native Americans. He met the “Lady of Cofitachiqui” who greeted him and Gave him a string of pearls. The Spanish Repaid their hospitality by digging up graves, Stealing food and even kidnapping the Lady Of Cofitachiqui. She luckily escaped from the Spanish. 1540 The Spanish are still exploring South Carolina

12 The French try to establish a colony
The French also wanted to get rich, But they were also looking for a refuge, A safe place, for Protestants known as Huguenots. Jean Ribault sailed from France with 3 ships and 150 men. They decided to settle near Parris Island and they named their Settlement Charlesfort. 1562 The Second Settlement Attempt Charlesfort

13 Charlesfort 1562 The Second Settlement Attempt The French settlers
did not plant crops and ran out of supplies. The starving settlers built a boat and tried to sail back to France. The are rescued by the British before they have to resort to eating each other. Ribault leaves the Settlement to get Supplies and does Not return for a very Long time. 1562 The Second Settlement Attempt Charlesfort

14 1562 The Second Settlement Attempt Charlesfort



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