Nicky Dunford- CEO & Accounting Officer

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Presentation on theme: "Nicky Dunford- CEO & Accounting Officer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicky Dunford- CEO & Accounting Officer
The Link Academy Trust Nicky Dunford- CEO & Accounting Officer

2 What we will be discussing…..
Vision & Mission Governance Structure Strengths of Academy Status Our School Improvement Model Clare Colvin- Regional Schools Commission Our Business Support Aspects of academy finance & governance Joining a MAT- the legal process

3 Delivering educational excellence supported by strong moral values
Delivering educational excellence supported by strong moral values Each learner developing a passion for learning and exceeding their aspirations in a unique learning environment Highly motivated, research-led and passionate teaching Schools being at the heart of, and valued by their community Being a partner of choice

4 We will always deliver the very best for our children, families and communities through:
An uncompromising approach to wellbeing, safety, nurturing and inclusion Innovative teaching and learning practices to uphold the highest education standards The development of partnership and collaborative working to create a cutting edge approach. We will achieve this by investment in: High quality provision for staff and their pathways to success School environments that provide stimulating learning spaces Strong business planning to maximise the Trust’s geographical range and collective expertise


6 Governance Considerations
Individual Academies able to focus on Teaching & Learning LGBs retained & focussed on Teaching & Learning Geographical Hub Model- with leadership capacity Directors- based on very high level skill set- no particular allegiance to individual settings Diocesan Directors representation- VA model Opportunities at every level of Governance

7 Aspirations for The Link
The Inclusion Hub- further development to provide the best for our vulnerable children & families An Educational Psychologist directly employed by The Link- responding rapidly to the needs of our schools An Education Welfare Officer Pre school provision in every school- preferably as a Foundation Stage Unit A system of instant access to high quality relief teachers Further development of income generation- small projects in schools funded through bidding process Small scale maintenance issues undertaken in house

8 Reasons for joining the Link
Collaborative Model- flexible but underpinned by a clear values and expectations Autonomy- but with robust challenge and support mechanisms Share, value, celebrate and reward enrichment at all levels Investment in the school environments- as much as possible spent at the classroom level Provide meaningful and positive feedback to everyone A dynamic model of school improvement- unrelenting focus on T&L, emphasising aspiration & ambition. A business support system that means we can deliver even more for our children & families

9 Interested? What next? More information to come this morning
CEO can attend Governors Meetings to present and answer questions The starting point in a nutshell: Decision made by governors- online Expression of Interest Liaise with RSC to establish agreement to go forward & start consultation. Legal Team involvement Start due diligence procedures- The Link undergoing Growth Readiness checks- RSC pilot. Timeline & programme for consultation established- staff, parents & families, community, Trade unions etc

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