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1 Please respond to the following question
Define the term depression in your own words. Describe a time in your life when you were depressed. How did you get through it?

2 Mood Disorders Chapter 18 Section 5

3 By the Shore

4 Death in the Sickroom

5 The Scream

6 Mood Disorders Most people get depressed occasionally.
However, clinical depression is a serious mood disorder that has little in common with the “blue moods” most people have from time to time. People with these types of disorders have intense moods that last a long time.

7 What is depression? Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings and state of well-being.


9 Seasonal Affective Disorder
A type of depression Less light available in winter= more melatonin secreted by the pineal gland. Treatments: temporary sleep deprivation, exposure to artificial light

10 Major Depressive Disorder
The major depressive disorders are so severe that they interfere with normal concentration and social functioning. Symptoms can include loss of appetite, sleeplessness, and noticeable weight changes (either an increase or decrease).

11 Major Depressive Disorder (cont.)
People who suffer from major depression tend to feel a deep hopelessness, view themselves as inadequate and/or worthless, and often have suicidal impulses.

12 Bipolar Disorder Sufferers alternate between despair and mania
Manic phase: elation, confusion Depressive phase: same as for people with major depression

13 Bipolar Disorder (cont)
Some have theorized that the two phases reinforce one another, with the manic episode serving as an attempt to ward off the underlying hopelessness of the depressive period. Others believe that bipolar disorder has a biochemical origin. Bipolar disorder may possibly be cyclical, occurring at regular intervals


15 Explaining Mood Disorders Psychological Views
Psychoanalytic of depression: People are prone to depression because they suffered a real or imagined loss of a loved object or person in childhood. Learning Theories of depression: - Believe that people that learned helplessness makes people prone to depression.

16 Explaining Mood Disorders Psychological Views
Cognitive Theorists of depression: Some people are prone to depression because of their habitual style of explaining life events, People assign different types of explanation to most events

17 Explaining Mood Disorders Biological Views
Moods disorders, like anxiety disorders, tend to occur more often in the close relatives of affected individuals that they do in the general population. Between 20% & 25% of people with mood disorders have a family member who is affected by a similar disorder. Scientist believe that 2 neurotransmitters in the brain- serotonin and noradrenaline- may at least partly explain the connection between genes and mood.

18 Suicide Escape from physical or emotional pain, terminal illness or loneliness, old age Desire to end “unacceptable” feelings Attempt to “punish” loved ones who they feel should have perceived and attended to their needs.

19 Suicide (cont) Every year, more than 32,000 Americans end their own lives One suicide occurs every 16 minutes. Women attempt suicide more than men, but men are more likely to succeed. Suicide also occurs more commonly among the elderly and college students (its actually the 2nd leading cause of death among college students). 70% of those who threaten suicide kill themselves within 3 months of making the threat.

20 Suicide (cont) Risk factors: History of previous suicide attempts
Family history of suicide History of depression or other mental illness Alcohol or drug abuse Stressful life event or loss Easy access to lethal methods Exposure to the suicidal behavior of others Incarceration

21 TEXT “GO” TO Crisis text line - Counselors to talk about anything National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24/7) Kennett SAP    (Mr Fernandez, team leader)

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